Conductor Vadim Shubladze and pianist Anahit Chaushyan to perform in Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - On June 12, Aram Khatchaturyan Concert Hall will host the joint performance of RA Philharmonic Orchestra and Belgian pianist Anahit Chaushyan, under the guidance of Tbilisi Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra's Art Director Vadim Shubladze . The concert will feature symphony-requiem by Bzvaneli, prelude to Wagner's Rienzi and Beethoven's piano concert N 4.

Vadim Shubladze was born in 1934, studied in Tbilisi State Conservatory, conductors department. His first performance was when he was a student. He appeared with the Traviata of Verdi in the Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theatre, St. Petersburg. A month later he performed in the Spendiarov Opera Theatre, Yerevan. Vadim Shubladze is the first performer of many classic and contemporary composers. He is one of the most sensitive and intelligent conductors of the former USSR. In 1991 he successfully worked with contemporary composer - pianist Michael J. Smith. Mr. Smith has written for Vadim Shubladze and the Tbilisi Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra and these pieces has performed and premiered by Shubladze and orchestra in Tbilisi and Sweden with great success.

Now he is principal conductor of the Tbilisi, Georgia State Radio and TV Symphonic Orchestra and the artistic director of the Tbilisi Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra.
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