Exhibition of Vilik Zakaryan's works of last 9 years opens in Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Exhibition of Vilik Zakaryan's works, created between 2000 and 2009, opened at the Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of Armenia. The artist assess his work as a modernist platform for fantasy: " I always leave room for imagination of spectators, who's perceptions  create a complete picture of a painting."

"I did not restrict myself to any color scheme, and I know exactly that I am right, when adhere to the policy of "let critics think how to name my creative work, " Vilik Zakaryan said.

"Zakaryan managed to create his own style. However, unlike many others, he does not stop there. In his work he is constantly experimenting, perfecting his style, " Levon Lachikyan said at the opening of the art exhibition.

Vilik Zakaryan was born in 1952. In 1975 he graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theater Institute. Since 1984 he is a member of the Union of Artists of Armenia, and since 1996 he is a member of the Professional Artists of UNESCO.

Personal exhibition of Zakaryan's works were held in Prague (1988), Yerevan (1994 and 2000), Oberhausen (1995), Paris (1997), Moscow (2002) and Marseilles (2004).
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