Yerevan hosts charity concert for children and youth

PanARMENIAN.Net - Aram Khachaturian concert hall hosted a charity concert for children and youth December 13. The event was organized by "Matter of honor" Russian-Armenian benevolent organization and Madan NGO.

As "Matter of honor" co-chairman Andranik Nikoghosyan noted, the event is aimed to emphasize the importance of Armenian-Russian relations.

"Matter of honor" Russian-Armenian benevolent organization was founded in November 2009. The organization aims at strengthening and development of Armenia-Russia relations through implementation of large scale charity, youth, cultural, scientific, educational and sports programs.

Organization co-chairmen are the advisor at Russian Embassy in Armenia, Ph.D. candidate, Russian Municipal Academy member Victor Krivopuskov and professor at Moscow's Academy of Security and Law Order Issues Andranik Nikoghosyan.
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