Over 80 films from 27 countries to participate in 6th Children's and Youth Film Festival in Yerevan

Over 80 films from 27 countries to participate in 6th Children's and Youth Film Festival in Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Yerevan will be hosting the 6th International Children's and Youth Film Festival on October 12-16.

The festival is organized by Rolan Bykov Foundation for Promotion of Cinema and TV for Children and Youth.

The festival will bring together outstanding representatives of cinema and animation art.

Over 80 films from 27 countries will be featured during the festival. The festival also includes a range of programs aimed at cultural and spiritual development of children and youth.

Social actions will be held as part of the festival as well, with a range of children and teenagers to undergo a medical examination free of charge.

Besides, a solemn event dedicated to children and teenagers will be held at Charles Aznavour Square of Yerevan, the festival press service reported.

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