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On the initiative of Egyptian special services a member of a terrorist group, connected with September 11th events, is detained in Baku.

October 27, 2001
The other day Azerbaijani national defense ministry stated about the arrest of terrorist organization member, suspected in participation in the 11 September terrorist acts in Washington D.C. and New York. It is informed that the unit, the member of which is the arrested, is based in Cairo and the terrorist is the citizen of Egypt. Immediately after the arrest he was sent to Cairo. A special "Egypt Airlines" plane was sent to Baku for the flight of the accused, convoyed by Egyptian soldiers, to Cairo. Journalists were invited to make this demonstration action widely known. The arrested got on the airplane in a black mask, the fact that was making the situation false mysterious. It is kept the terrorist's name secret for some reason and Azerbaijani special services do not make clear the arrest particulars because of "investigation interests"…