Armenian Patriarchy of Jerusalem Waiting for the Formation of New Israeli Government

April 14, 2006 - 13:07 AMT  19:46 GMT
The acting Prime-Minister of Israel Ehoud Olmert has finally been officially appointed to the Prime Minister's post. The appointment was preceded by secret voting of cabinet members who unanimously supported the suggestion to declare Prime Minister Ariel Sharon incapable because of being in coma for already three months. "Kadima" party, created by Sharon and headed by Olmert won in the parliamentary election held on March 28. Currently, Olmert is engaged in forming new government. The new allocation of political forces in Israel cannot but attract Armenia's attention first of all because one of the thrones of Armenian Apostolic Church is located in the Jewish capital - Jerusalem. The outcome of ongoing political consultations is also very important for the development of dialogue between Armenian and Israeli governments.