Recognizing Fact of Genocide Should Be By-Product of Historian's Work

May 1, 2006 - 19:43 AMT  22:33 GMT
Guenter Lewy: Ottomans and Turks reached linguistic deadlock.

Blue Book Turkish Publishers to Stand Trial

May 1, 2006 - 19:40 AMT  22:33 GMT
The authors of the Turkish version of the book - Umit Erdoglu, Taner Akcam and translator Ahmet Guner will stand trial May 30, 2006.
Two Books on Armenian Genocide Published

Two Books on Armenian Genocide Published

May 1, 2006 - 18:54 AMT  22:33 GMT
Two recently published books attempt tackle the complex subject.
Hand Book Dedicated to Armenian Genocide to Be Issued in France

Hand Book Dedicated to Armenian Genocide to Be Issued in France

May 1, 2006 - 18:29 AMT  22:33 GMT
A traditional soiree in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide victims was held in the Paris municipality.
Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku Railway Communication Establishment to Be Discussed in Sofia May 2

Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku Railway Communication Establishment to Be Discussed in Sofia May 2

May 1, 2006 - 18:02 AMT  22:33 GMT
The fifth sitting of the intergovernmental committee of the TRACECA member states will start in Sofia tomorrow.
OSCE MG Co-Chairs and Andrzej Kasprzyk to Meet in Moscow Tomorrow

OSCE MG Co-Chairs and Andrzej Kasprzyk to Meet in Moscow Tomorrow

May 1, 2006 - 17:38 AMT  22:33 GMT
The mediators will focus on the details discussed during the talks on the Karabakh conflict settlement.

Margaryan: Armenia Ready to Establish Relations with Turkey without Preconditions

May 1, 2006 - 17:28 AMT  22:33 GMT
The Armenian Prime Minister said the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border will offer the possibility to expand regional cooperation.
Armenia Should Support Iran's Sustainable Policy in Region

Armenia Should Support Iran's Sustainable Policy in Region

May 1, 2006 - 17:07 AMT  22:33 GMT
Andranik Margaryan: "Relations between Iran and the United States are rather tensed but I think it will not come to war."

PM Margaryan: Creation of Work Places in Javakhetia Priority Issue

May 1, 2006 - 17:00 AMT  22:33 GMT
"During the meetings with the Georgian authorities we raise this issue and urge a special attitude towards Javakhetia," the Armenian Prime Minister stated.
Shahin Rzayev: Those Who Spread Anti-Armenian Hysteria Alienate Karabakh from Azerbaijan

Shahin Rzayev: Those Who Spread Anti-Armenian Hysteria Alienate Karabakh from Azerbaijan

May 1, 2006 - 16:15 AMT  22:33 GMT
The parties to the Karabakh conflict are not well aware of each other's positions and warmongers use it, the Azeri journalist considers.