Airbus Specialists Arrived at Crash Site

Airbus Specialists Arrived at Crash Site

May 3, 2006 - 15:36 AMT  20:16 GMT
The experts will assist in investigating the circumstances of the tragedy that took place near Sochi.
Armenian Ambassador to Russia Departed for Crash Site

Armenian Ambassador to Russia Departed for Crash Site

May 3, 2006 - 15:18 AMT  20:16 GMT
Armen Smbatyan: The investigation has not been carried out yet and I do not want to do premature conclusions.

RA Prosecutor General Office Initiated Criminal Case on A-320 Crash

May 3, 2006 - 15:11 AMT  20:16 GMT
The criminal case was initiated in compliance of Article 241 of the Armenian Penal Code (violation of security rules and operation of railway, air and water vessels).
Arkady Ghukasian Conveyed Condolences to Relatives of A-320 Passengers

Arkady Ghukasian Conveyed Condolences to Relatives of A-320 Passengers

May 3, 2006 - 15:02 AMT  20:16 GMT
"In this mournful hour I wish them firmness and patience," the NKR President's message says.
Specialists Don't Exclude A-320 Record Boxes Won't Be Found

Specialists Don't Exclude A-320 Record Boxes Won't Be Found

May 3, 2006 - 14:56 AMT  20:16 GMT
It's conditioned by the fact that the plane wrecks lie deep in the sea.
Russian Deputy FM Met with OSCE MG Co-Chairs

Russian Deputy FM Met with OSCE MG Co-Chairs

May 3, 2006 - 14:38 AMT  20:16 GMT
During the meeting matters on the agenda of the Nagorno Karabakh settlement were discussed.
Bodies of 38 Passengers Found

Bodies of 38 Passengers Found

May 3, 2006 - 14:36 AMT  20:16 GMT
Presently the rescue works proceed in stormy weather.
May 5 Proclaimed Mourning Day in Russia

May 5 Proclaimed Mourning Day in Russia

May 3, 2006 - 14:29 AMT  20:16 GMT
The Presidents of both states said "it's a common tragedy of the Russian and Armenian people".

May 5 and 6 Declared Mourning Days in Armenia

May 3, 2006 - 14:21 AMT  20:16 GMT
A criminal case according to Article 263.2 of the Penal Code (violation of operation of an aircraft) was initiated.

Lists of A-320 passengers

May 3, 2006 - 14:11 AMT  20:16 GMT
According to preliminary data, there was one Ukrainian and one Georgian citizen aboard.