Corpses of Another 8 Victims of Crash Delivered to Yerevan Last Night

Corpses of Another 8 Victims of Crash Delivered to Yerevan Last Night

May 6, 2006 - 14:17 AMT  23:29 GMT
On the whole 34 corpses of passengers of the crashed flight are transported to Yerevan.

Vigen Abrahamyants Became a Victim of Skinheads

April 29, 2006 - 17:52 AMT  23:29 GMT
According to "Interfax" news agency on Friday 16-year-old schoolboy Denis Kulagin, suspected in the murder of 18-year-old Vigen Abrahamyants was released from custody. Sources in law-enforcement organs inform that Kulagin is still a suspect, but there were not enough evidences for bringing an official accusation against him. It is worth reminding that on Wednesday the court prolonged his custody to 72 hours. Till the end of Friday the Prosecutor's office had either to bring an accusation and submit a petition for arrest or release the suspect. The Public Prosecutor's Office is still working on the version that the murder had common motives. However, the victim's compatriots have enough grounds to suppose that the crime was committed because of national hatred.