Armenia's Independence Day Great Holiday for Armenian People's Friends

Armenia's Independence Day Great Holiday for Armenian People's Friends

September 20, 2006 - 14:25 AMT  08:20 GMT
Victor Krivopuskov: following the precept of our ancestors we will be sure of great achievements in the development of the Armenian-Russian relations.
Europe - Link for Armenia's Communication with World

Europe - Link for Armenia's Communication with World

September 20, 2006 - 14:18 AMT  08:20 GMT
"We suppose that the French parliament will discuss the bill providing for criminal punishment for the Armenian Genocide denial," the chairperson of the European Armenian Federation considers.
Armenia Seriously Treats Talks in Karabakh

Armenia Seriously Treats Talks in Karabakh

September 20, 2006 - 14:11 AMT  08:20 GMT
Vladimir Karapetian: the format of the OSCE Minsk Group is acceptable and presently is the best format for the conflict settlement.
Armenian Authorities Responsible for Karabakh

Armenian Authorities Responsible for Karabakh

September 20, 2006 - 14:02 AMT  08:20 GMT
Hilda Tchoboian: it's necessary to precisely mark the borders of strategic, territorial and spiritual security of the people of Armenia and NKR.
Turkish Terrorist Warned Pope Can Pay with Life for Visiting Istanbul

Turkish Terrorist Warned Pope Can Pay with Life for Visiting Istanbul

September 20, 2006 - 13:43 AMT  08:20 GMT
Terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca called on Pope Benedict XVI to cancel the scheduled visit to Turkey.

Will Armenia export oil?

June 22, 2006 - 22:53 AMT  08:20 GMT
In September Transeuroenegery Corporation, Canada, will launch exploring works to search for hydrocarbon in Armenia. The essential equipment will be brought in the near future and very soon it will be possible to say whether Armenia has a chance to enter the cartel of oil exporting states.