Lebanon - Testing Area in Near East

Lebanon - Testing Area in Near East

November 8, 2006 - 04:19 AMT  18:19 GMT
Federative Iraq is a step toward Kurdistan's independence, which will change the map of the whole region," the Armenian scientist considers.
Armenia Should Participate in Peacekeeping Operations in Lebanon

Armenia Should Participate in Peacekeeping Operations in Lebanon

November 8, 2006 - 04:16 AMT  18:19 GMT
Suren Manukian: the position of the Armenian community is correct. It cannot influence on the march of events but must express its viewpoint.

Ilham Aliev's policy concerning the question of Armenia is fully in deadlock

November 3, 2006 - 12:27 AMT  18:19 GMT
The only obstacle for the continuation of the negotiations and for the achievement of the success in the settlement is the absence of trust between the nations. Absolutely everybody speaks about it, including EU, OSCE, and the co-chairmen countries of MG OSCE in the adjustment of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. And exactly in that question the whole world is powerless. The reason is not the unwillingness of the Armenian side to carry on a normal dialogue as it is the way of putting up the things in Azerbaijan but in the idea carried on by Ilham Aliev about the total isolation of Armenia.