U.S. states Kosovo won't be part of Serbia, Russia does not agree with that statement

U.S. states Kosovo won't be part of Serbia, Russia does not agree with that statement

May 31, 2007 - 14:49 AMT  21:07 GMT
Western countries support offers on recognizing Kosovo's nearly full independence from Serbia.
New genocides result from lack of clear approach to punishment of Armenian Genocide

New genocides result from lack of clear approach to punishment of Armenian Genocide

May 31, 2007 - 14:39 AMT  21:07 GMT
"Official Turkey denies the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide and suppresses freedom of speech and persecutes Turkish citizens daring touch upon this subject," says the statement of the World Congress of International Federation of Journalists.
Turkish Constitutional Court to file charges against Prime Minister

Turkish Constitutional Court to file charges against Prime Minister

May 31, 2007 - 14:27 AMT  21:07 GMT
Tulay Tugcu: Statements made by the Prime Minister to the address of the court in connection with its decision on canceling the first stage of presidential elections exceeded all possible limits of decency.
G8 FMs for Karabakh conflict resolution as soon as possible

G8 FMs for Karabakh conflict resolution as soon as possible

May 31, 2007 - 14:23 AMT  21:07 GMT
"We welcome the intention of Armenian and Azeri presidents to meet in the framework of the CIS informal summit session in Saint Petersburg June 9, 2007," says the G8 statement.
CoE hopes on Karabakh conflict resolution till presidential elections in Armenian and Azerbaijan

CoE hopes on Karabakh conflict resolution till presidential elections in Armenian and Azerbaijan

May 31, 2007 - 14:17 AMT  21:07 GMT
CoE Sec. Gen.: Solution of the conflict proceeds from the interests of both the Armenian and Azeri nations.

The First Republic of Armenia did not let Turkey complete the Armenian Genocide

May 29, 2007 - 17:49 AMT  21:07 GMT
By spring 1918 the situation in Transcaucasia, which was left in ruins by the war, became almost uncontrollable. After the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia the Russian troops situated in Western Armenia left exposing the Caucasian front. The Turkish troops taking advantage of the created situation broke the Yerznka Armistice signed on October 5, 1917 and took the offensive on February 10, 1918.