Armenian and Azeri Ambassadors try to establish civilized communication between peoples

Armenian and Azeri Ambassadors try to establish civilized communication between peoples

September 10, 2007 - 15:41 AMT  07:25 GMT
"We should aspire to build good-neighbor relations. We don't want our children to live in fear," Armen Smbatian said.
Russia not going to establish 2nd military base in Armenia

Russia not going to establish 2nd military base in Armenia

September 10, 2007 - 15:15 AMT  07:25 GMT
Armen Smbatian: absence of firm economic basis may jeopardize cultural, scientific and other ties.
Jewish community of Armenia calls on ADL to support Armenian Genocide resolution

Jewish community of Armenia calls on ADL to support Armenian Genocide resolution

September 10, 2007 - 15:05 AMT  07:25 GMT
Passage of the H. Res. 106 is one more step towards prevention of genocides," says the letter of the Jewish community of Armenia.
Russia's representative may be elected PACE President

Russia's representative may be elected PACE President

September 10, 2007 - 14:32 AMT  07:25 GMT
In January 2007 Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis did not rule out that Mikhail Margelov may assume the office of PACE President.
Candidates for Australian parliament pledge support to Armenian Genocide recognition

Candidates for Australian parliament pledge support to Armenian Genocide recognition

September 10, 2007 - 13:45 AMT  07:25 GMT
Maxine McKew: I will unequivocally and publicly support the recognition of the Armenian Genocide if elected to government.

Israel's only impediment to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is politics

September 6, 2007 - 17:21 AMT  07:25 GMT
ADL, headquartered in the USA has finally qualified the slaughter of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as Genocide. The fact itself is very notable, as for the first time a Jewish Organization has called things by their proper names. According to ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman, the decision was made after the given issue had been discussed with the historians and Nobel Prize Laureate Eli Vizel.