Armenian-Turkish border will remain closed until Turkey's de jure recognition of Republic of Armenia

Armenian-Turkish border will remain closed until Turkey's de jure recognition of Republic of Armenia

September 13, 2007 - 16:50 AMT  20:23 GMT
"All are interested in stability in the region, except for Turkey, which hasn't identified itself so far and is terrified by the outlook to lose territories," the Armenian historian said.
Aram Hamparian: date for Armenian Genocide resolution vote not fixed yet

Aram Hamparian: date for Armenian Genocide resolution vote not fixed yet

September 13, 2007 - 16:46 AMT  20:23 GMT
The H. Res. 106 is supported by 227 Congressmen.
Armenian-Turkish border determined by Wodroow Wilson arbitration award

Armenian-Turkish border determined by Wodroow Wilson arbitration award

September 13, 2007 - 16:09 AMT  20:23 GMT
Ara Papian: according to the arbitration award, Armenia was entitled to receive 4 vilayets: Van, Bitlis, Erzrum and Trabzon, which ensured outlet to the sea.
Lavrov: OSCE existence as

Lavrov: OSCE existence as "untraditional forum" dragged out

September 13, 2007 - 15:31 AMT  20:23 GMT
Russia stands for reorganization of the OSCE.
Fox News: U.S. may attack Iran within 8-10 months

Fox News: U.S. may attack Iran within 8-10 months

September 13, 2007 - 13:20 AMT  20:23 GMT
The main plan supposes severe bombings during a week with a following blow on Iran's nuclear facilities, location of which is already known.

Turkey remains an Islamic country, in spite of Atatürk's legacy

September 11, 2007 - 18:31 AMT  20:23 GMT
For a while the situation in Turkey's home policy was normalized; the 11th President of Turkey is elected and as he assures the government staff is confirmed, Referendum on the new Constitution is ahead, which is supposed to sum up the results of the 80 years' ruling of Kemal Atatürk's followers. Some regulations of the new Constitutions are already under discussion of the Turkish political figures. Particularly the issue of further restrictions of the country's military forces in the process of decision making in political, economic, social and legal field.