One Armenian injured in Beirut blast

One Armenian injured in Beirut blast

September 20, 2007 - 15:55 AMT  18:06 GMT
A bomb consisting of than 20 kilograms of TNT was detonated in a mainly Christian neighborhood of Beirut.
U.S. presidential candidate offered to invite Israel to NATO

U.S. presidential candidate offered to invite Israel to NATO

September 20, 2007 - 15:17 AMT  18:06 GMT
Giuliani's speech did not dwell on NATO's inclusion of the Israelis, merely listing Israel along with other nations, including Japan, Australia and India.
Murderers of Armenian sentenced to 14-year imprisonment in Kaliningrad

Murderers of Armenian sentenced to 14-year imprisonment in Kaliningrad

September 20, 2007 - 14:53 AMT  18:06 GMT
The first verdict, issued in 2006, supposed a more severe punishment -16 years in prison.
Baku displeased with CoE attitude about Karabakh conflict

Baku displeased with CoE attitude about Karabakh conflict

September 20, 2007 - 14:46 AMT  18:06 GMT
The Council of Europe "has not condemned Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan and has not announced its stand yet," Samed Seyidov said.
Number of Armenian Genocide Resolution cosponsors steadily growing

Number of Armenian Genocide Resolution cosponsors steadily growing

September 20, 2007 - 14:28 AMT  18:06 GMT
Senator Patty Murray and newly elected Representative Laura Richardson (D-CA), this week, added their names as cosponsors of this human rights legislation, reported the ANCA.
Turkish authorities block YouTube access again

Turkish authorities block YouTube access again

September 20, 2007 - 14:12 AMT  18:06 GMT
A Turkish court has banned YouTube access after someone complained that the world's most popular video sharer was hosting clips that insulted the "country's founding father."

Tehran believes the USA will by no means resolve to initiate any military operations against Iran

September 18, 2007 - 19:15 AMT  18:06 GMT
The Iranian question regained its importance in the international politics. In fact, it has been important over the last several years, but after France joint America's viewpoint, the further developments of the region may be greatly influenced. "The world must be ready for the war, which may be caused by Iran's nuclear ambitions. We decided, while carrying negotiations, to prepare the package of sanctions beyond the limits of the sanctions of the UNO. It has been suggested by the Germans, our good friends," announced the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Bernard Kouchner and then added that one should be prepared for the worst, "and the worst is the war".