Reform necessary for Turkey regardless of EU negotiations pace

Reform necessary for Turkey regardless of EU negotiations pace

March 31, 2008 - 18:55 AMT  16:29 GMT
In meetings with government and parliament representatives, EU officials and independent experts, they discussed some of the main issues on Turkey's domestic and foreign policy agenda.
Kocharian decorated with Grigor Lusavourich order

Kocharian decorated with Grigor Lusavourich order

March 31, 2008 - 18:35 AMT  16:29 GMT
The order was handed to Robert Kocharian during a meeting with the NKR leadership.
Turkish CC started hearing on AKP ban suit

Turkish CC started hearing on AKP ban suit

March 31, 2008 - 18:03 AMT  16:29 GMT
Olli Rehn: if the CC complies with the suit, Turkey's membership talks may be suspended.
Oskanian, AGO group discuss measures for restoration of public consent

Oskanian, AGO group discuss measures for restoration of public consent

March 31, 2008 - 17:51 AMT  16:29 GMT
RA FM and AGO group touched upon the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.
Armenian Genocide resolution adoption in Sofia city council delayed

Armenian Genocide resolution adoption in Sofia city council delayed

March 31, 2008 - 16:23 AMT  16:29 GMT
Attack Party attempted to frustrate Erdogan's press conference.
RA, NKR Presidents discuss Karabakh settlement outlook

RA, NKR Presidents discuss Karabakh settlement outlook

March 31, 2008 - 16:14 AMT  16:29 GMT
Robert Kocharian and Bako Sahakian referred to the social and economic situation in Nagorno Karabakh.
Armenia's former President presented his own interpretation of March 1 events to AGO group

Armenia's former President presented his own interpretation of March 1 events to AGO group

March 31, 2008 - 16:09 AMT  16:29 GMT
AGO group delegates met with Armenia's leadership and opposition.
Kosovo forms national security force

Kosovo forms national security force

March 31, 2008 - 15:52 AMT  16:29 GMT
The project developed by the KFOR and UNMIK supposes formation of 3,3 thousand-strong force (2,5 staff military and 800 reservists).
RA MFA: Azerbaijan' policy may be described as extremely nervous

RA MFA: Azerbaijan' policy may be described as extremely nervous

March 31, 2008 - 15:39 AMT  16:29 GMT
"The document on the table exactly mentions of the right of Karabakhi people to self-determination," Vartan Oskanian said.
AGO monitoring group calls on leadership and opposition to political dialogue

AGO monitoring group calls on leadership and opposition to political dialogue

March 31, 2008 - 15:15 AMT  16:29 GMT
Per Sjögren: AGO group calls for an impartial and fair investigation into the March 1 events.