Armenian Genocide victims were commemorated at Armenian cemetery in Istanbul

Armenian Genocide victims were commemorated at Armenian cemetery in Istanbul

April 24, 2009 - 20:22 AMT  20:48 GMT
Around 20 people lay wreaths at the grave of Hrant Dink and memorial to1894-1896 massacres' victims
Serzh Sargsyan: CIS has not yet exhausted its resources

Serzh Sargsyan: CIS has not yet exhausted its resources

April 24, 2009 - 19:50 AMT  20:48 GMT
"If Russia finds CIS an important structure, its resources are undoubtedly becoming increasingly important," the Armenian President said.
A nation that survived Genocide can surprise everyone with its achievements

A nation that survived Genocide can surprise everyone with its achievements

April 24, 2009 - 19:47 AMT  20:48 GMT
NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan's address on the occasion April 24
Kurds apologize to Armenians and Assyrians

Kurds apologize to Armenians and Assyrians

April 24, 2009 - 19:45 AMT  20:48 GMT
Ahmet Türk: We feel ashamed when looking at our Armenian and Assyrian brothers
RA President: Armenia never made territorial claims to Azerbaijan

RA President: Armenia never made territorial claims to Azerbaijan

April 24, 2009 - 19:28 AMT  20:48 GMT
"I'm glad that recently Baku has started to speak of NKR conflict settlement without preconditions, in accordance with international principles," says RA President
The Armenian Genocide 94th anniversary commemoration was held in NKR

The Armenian Genocide 94th anniversary commemoration was held in NKR

April 24, 2009 - 19:19 AMT  20:48 GMT
Bako Sahakyan: The year 1915 has become one of the most tragic periods in our centuries-old history
Ankara's refusal to recognize the Genocide is not a hindrance to establishment of diplomatic relations  with Turkey

Ankara's refusal to recognize the Genocide is not a hindrance to establishment of diplomatic relations with Turkey

April 24, 2009 - 19:11 AMT  20:48 GMT
I will accept Abdullah Gul's invitation to visit Turkey, upon or on the threshold of opening the border, RA President stated.
Vladimir Jhirinovski: Armenians live on their own land, let the Turkish get back to Central Asia, where they belong

Vladimir Jhirinovski: Armenians live on their own land, let the Turkish get back to Central Asia, where they belong

April 24, 2009 - 19:07 AMT  20:48 GMT
A meeting in memory of Armenian Genocide victims was held in Moscow
Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia's not pushing USA to recognize the Genocide

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia's not pushing USA to recognize the Genocide

April 24, 2009 - 18:26 AMT  20:48 GMT
When discussed by US Congress, the Armenian Genocide is always accepted for a fact by overwhelming majority
Currently US has more chances for maneuvers on Armenian Genocide issue

Currently US has more chances for maneuvers on Armenian Genocide issue

April 24, 2009 - 18:19 AMT  20:48 GMT
Stratfor: Armenian lobby in Washington takes a firmer stance on Genocide recognition compared to Armenian officials