Opening of Armenian-Turkish border not linked to Karabakh conflict resolution

Opening of Armenian-Turkish border not linked to Karabakh conflict resolution

May 14, 2009 - 14:08 AMT  15:58 GMT
Mustafa Aydin: actually, Turkish PM visited Baku to negotiate some energy issues, specifically Nabucco project ands Azeri gas price.
Fassier to discuss regional situation with Armenian leadership

Fassier to discuss regional situation with Armenian leadership

May 14, 2009 - 13:11 AMT  15:58 GMT
After meetings with RA President and Foreign Minister, Ambassador Fassier will depart for Tbilisi, Baku and Ankara.
Capsule with commemorative note laid in Matenadaran new building foundation

Capsule with commemorative note laid in Matenadaran new building foundation

May 14, 2009 - 11:31 AMT  15:58 GMT
Construction of the new building will be presumably finished by September 11, 2011.
Iran starts gas import to Armenia today

Iran starts gas import to Armenia today

May 14, 2009 - 12:27 AMT  15:58 GMT
Yesterday all technical works were completed and valves opened at Meghri-Yerevan sector.
An Armenian couple plan to marry among Titanic's artifacts

An Armenian couple plan to marry among Titanic's artifacts

May 14, 2009 - 02:00 AMT  15:58 GMT
Melissa Vartanian's great-grandfather, David Vartanian, was fleeing Turkish occupation in Armenia when he boarded the Titanic.

Georgia may remain without gas even in the presence of Nabucco

May 13, 2009 - 00:52 AMT  15:58 GMT
Execution of the gas pipe Nabucco, which by significance is equal to the "Contract of the Century", i.e., to the oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, may fall to the ground. However, not at all will it occur through the fault of Russia, although the latter's indirect influence is perceived. Into this great gas game there interferes Iran and, what is most interesting - Armenia, which may take the place of Georgia in the prospective project. But if we also add Turkey's point of view to the project and to the profit expected from it, it becomes clear that there begins just another shuffle of interests.

One more "road map" or just another myth?

May 9, 2009 - 01:09 AMT  15:58 GMT
The successive meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Prague once again was unproductive. Such was, at least, the impression of the statements, which as always, were filled with on-duty, non-committal phrases. In a word, no "breakthrough" occurred. Nevertheless, Mathew Bryza as always stayed true to himself and again said inopportunely that "an agreement on the Basic Principles was achieved", which immediately caused sharp reaction in Stepanakert.

Armenia celebrates the Holy Resurrection

April 11, 2009 - 21:39 AMT  15:58 GMT
On April 11, the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) begins to celebrate the Easter, one of the six patronal festivals. From sunset till late night all the churches of the Armenian Apostolic Church serve Liturgy that marks the end of Lent and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration of the dead and resurrected god dates back to the ancient Egyptian religion, when the Egyptians celebrated the death and resurrection of God Osiris. Present Christian Easter takes its origin from the Old Testament. The old Jews celebrated the Passover (Pesach) as the holiday of exodus of Jews from Egypt.

World financial crisis blighted the Armenian job market

February 23, 2009 - 19:54 AMT  15:58 GMT
The impact of the world financial crisis on the Armenian economy and social state of people has already become perceptible, especially in the population employment sector. The alarm has already sounded for a number of employment agencies: employers' offers are decreasing in ratio with the increasing labor supply.