Ahmadinejad and Mousavi rallies bring Tehran to halt

Ahmadinejad and Mousavi rallies bring Tehran to halt

June 9, 2009 - 22:44 AMT  21:31 GMT
Clashes were reported between supporters of the two sides last night.
Artificial democracy is more dangerous than no democracy at all

Artificial democracy is more dangerous than no democracy at all

June 9, 2009 - 21:58 AMT  21:31 GMT
Upon the initiative of "Civiliatas" foundation, political forces and civil society representatives have today participated in a discussion devoted to electoral rights in Armenia.
RA NAS launched

RA NAS launched "Crisis: Misfortune and chance for Russia" book presentation

June 9, 2009 - 21:06 AMT  21:31 GMT
Abel Aganbekyan: I hope that social -political crisis will help us reappraise importance of economic values.
Gagik Tsarukyan awards European weightlifting championship medalists

Gagik Tsarukyan awards European weightlifting championship medalists

June 9, 2009 - 21:02 AMT  21:31 GMT
European champion Arakel Mirzoyan was gifted a Niva car.
European Parliament elections: Did Turkey gain or lose?

European Parliament elections: Did Turkey gain or lose?

June 9, 2009 - 20:32 AMT  21:31 GMT
European People's Party secured 267 seats, making it the biggest group in the 736-member parliament.
Apple introduced a new iPhone 3G S smart phone model

Apple introduced a new iPhone 3G S smart phone model

June 9, 2009 - 20:29 AMT  21:31 GMT
ArmenTel Press Service: Our company strategy stipulates for broad spectrum of mobile services only.
Azeri and French FMs start consultations in Paris

Azeri and French FMs start consultations in Paris

June 9, 2009 - 20:25 AMT  21:31 GMT
Official Paris will be notified of Azerbaijan's disapproval of French parliamentarian's visit to NKR.
Moscow's offer on division of OSCE mission in Georgia is unacceptable to Washington

Moscow's offer on division of OSCE mission in Georgia is unacceptable to Washington

June 9, 2009 - 20:21 AMT  21:31 GMT
Philip Gordon: OSCE is a united structure and observer's mission division into 2 groups will be wrong.
Armenian Apostolic Church commemorated the Blessed Hripsimian Sisterhood Day

Armenian Apostolic Church commemorated the Blessed Hripsimian Sisterhood Day

June 9, 2009 - 20:12 AMT  21:31 GMT
In honor of celebration, relics of Blessed Hripsime and Gayane were moved from Holy Etchmiadzin to St. Hripsime Church.
Washington will present its assessment on Yerevan Council of Elders' elections

Washington will present its assessment on Yerevan Council of Elders' elections

June 9, 2009 - 20:05 AMT  21:31 GMT
Philip Gordon: US Embassy in Armenia has been actively following Yerevan Council of Elders elections.