UN convenes world leaders' summit to assess global economic recession

UN convenes world leaders' summit to assess global economic recession

June 20, 2009 - 13:31 AMT  04:15 GMT
Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann: "We have an historic opportunity —and a collective responsibility— to bring new stability and sustainability to the international economic financial order"
Weekly review of currency market

Weekly review of currency market

June 20, 2009 - 12:11 AMT  04:15 GMT
On June 8-14, banks paid credits in the amount of AMD 9.8 billion and USD 14.4 million.
ECHR received five applications related to the murder of Dink

ECHR received five applications related to the murder of Dink

June 20, 2009 - 01:44 AMT  04:15 GMT
Having merged applications which were made at different times, the European Court of Human Rights is now asking Turkey questions, to which it wants answers by November.

Tehran to dictate degree of permissibility of ultimatums issued by the West

June 19, 2009 - 00:36 AMT  04:15 GMT
Probably, before June 12 no one in the world could believe that Presidential Elections of Iran would lead to disorders, which Tehran hadn't known since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. However, the matter is not only the accusations of the defeated party in falsification of voting results. In previous elections the victory of Ahmadinejad was incontestable - he enlisted the support of not only the poor strata of society, but also, what is equally important, that of the Council of Guardians - the superior body of Iran.

Armenian society demonstrates extreme indifference

June 13, 2009 - 23:07 AMT  04:15 GMT
Basic political events of the dying week in Armenia were the work of the Council of Elders in Yerevan, sluggish protests of the opposition, break-up of the fact-gathering group of March 1 events, review of the tax bill in the RA Parliament, and suspension of funding provided to Armenia by the program "Millennium Challenges".

Bashmet's "Soloists of Moscow" and the Armenian-Japanese abstractionism

June 9, 2009 - 23:42 AMT  04:15 GMT
On June 1, on the International Children's Day, public organizations organized a number of activities in the gardens and parks of Armenia with participation of children. Children made an artificial tree with the colors of the national flag of Armenia, sang, danced, drew pictures on the asphalt and on the school desks, all this accompanied by traditional games and dances.

Armenia celebrates the Holy Resurrection

April 11, 2009 - 21:39 AMT  04:15 GMT
On April 11, the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) begins to celebrate the Easter, one of the six patronal festivals. From sunset till late night all the churches of the Armenian Apostolic Church serve Liturgy that marks the end of Lent and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration of the dead and resurrected god dates back to the ancient Egyptian religion, when the Egyptians celebrated the death and resurrection of God Osiris. Present Christian Easter takes its origin from the Old Testament. The old Jews celebrated the Passover (Pesach) as the holiday of exodus of Jews from Egypt.

World financial crisis blighted the Armenian job market

February 23, 2009 - 19:54 AMT  04:15 GMT
The impact of the world financial crisis on the Armenian economy and social state of people has already become perceptible, especially in the population employment sector. The alarm has already sounded for a number of employment agencies: employers' offers are decreasing in ratio with the increasing labor supply.