Intermediate total of the week: war with Iran postponed

March 26, 2010 - 10:15 AMT  22:33 GMT
Latest developments in the Armenian-Turkish relations, or rather in the relations of Turkey-world community were not so much unexpected as, to put it mildly, bewildering. Turkish President Abdullah Gul won this year’s prestigious Chatham House prize, and Woodrow Wilson Award was granted to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. However, her drop of poison added German Chancellor Angela Merkel, declaring that Turkey could be offered only a “privileged partnership”. But there was nothing new in this statement: as long as France and Germany work together Turkey’s entry into the EU is booked.

Increased number of Internet subscribers registered in Armenia; providers diversify connection channels

March 25, 2010 - 12:31 AMT  22:33 GMT
Number of internet users increased 47.75 times over the period of 1998-2008, according to Thus, 4000 internet users were registered in Armenia in 1998, their number increasing to 30 000 the next year. As of 2008, 191 thousand internet users were registered in Armenia. Obviously, BBC Russia information service used statistical data provided by international electronic connection union to make the statistic report. Meanwhile Armenian experts repeatedly noted that the statistic data cited is not complete, as mobile internet users were not taken into account while composing the assessment.

Turkish students shot film about Armenian family

March 25, 2010 - 12:08 AMT  22:33 GMT
Yerevan hosted two major events last week: the opening of Armmono Festival of Mono Performances and Day of Francophonie in Armenia. The former offered an opportunity to watch the performance of 18 theater stars from 7 countries while the latter featured a concert of Armenian pop stars singing in French.