
Oldest shoe in the world found in Armenian cave

The discovery came in a cave in the Vayotz Dzor region of Armenia, near the settlement of Areni which is known for its wine industry.

June 11, 2010
Oldest shoe in the world found in Armenian cave
Archeologists have found the oldest shoe in the world. The discovery came in a cave in the Vayotz Dzor region of Armenia, near the settlement of Areni which is known for its wine industry.
IT & Telecom:

National Statistical Service issues results for IT sector in January-April 2010

Review of June 1-7 telecommunications and IT events.

June 11, 2010
The Armenian National Statistical Service issued the results for IT sector in January-April 2010. According to the data provided, the revenue increased by 6.2% as compared with the 2009 index and totaled AMD 52.9 bln. During the reporting period, 459 computers were assembled, what is 3.4% more than last year (475). 2% drop was recorded in tariffs for communication services.
Armenia and world:

“Greater Middle East” gradually becoming a reality

No matter how strongly the Government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan may support the current administration of Ayatollah Khamenei, Tehran simply does not believe it and would not admit even the thought of Turkey being representative of the Muslim world.

June 11, 2010
“Greater Middle East” is gradually becoming a reality. The struggle for the place of a regional power between Turkey and Iran, both bordering with Armenia, has slipped “under the carpet”, and let no one be caught at the support that Erdogan gives to the nuclear program of Iran. Armenia, in this case, must build relations with its neighbors, based on the belief “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”. And though this system sometimes fails, it works in general, and it will work in case of Armenia, especially since the relations were unruffled, and became even better after certain incidents. Similarly, the Israeli-Turkish relations may smoothly grow into Armenian-Israeli. But in the latter case there is still a long way to go.

Levon Aronian will participate in 23rd Leon Rapid

Review of May 27 – June 3 sports events.

June 7, 2010
2 countries will host World Chess Championship 2011, with 4 chess players to rival in Baku. The remaining 4, including Levon Aronian will compete in the country to be announced later. 7 out of 8 participants were announced: Levon Aronian (Armenia), Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria), Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), Magnus Carlsen (Norway), Gata Kamsky (USA) Boris Gelfand (Israel) and Timur Radjabov (Azerbaijan).

Armenian domestic policy shifts from Karabakh and RA-Turkey relations

Review of May 29-June 4 internal political events.

June 5, 2010
The week started with a ceremony of bestowing RA Defense Ministry’s medals on Armenian peacekeepers for an excellent service in Afghanistan and Kosovo. Head of RA Armed Forces General Staff, Colonel General Yuri Khachaturov congratulated the Armenian peacekeeping brigade on being conferred the military unit status and called on them to never forget the main task of protecting their native land. Commemorating the soldiers who died in Karabakh war, Colonel General Khachaturov said: “We love peace. We don’t want anything belonging to others. Karabakh is our land and we won’t cede an inch of it.”

World prices drop, Armenian prices grow

The continuous rise in prices for foodstuff will hit the Armenian residents in their wallets.

June 5, 2010
1% inflation was registered in the Armenian consumer market in May 2010, prices for foodstuff rising by 1,8% and for nonfoods by 0,9%. The inflation is mostly being explained by the rise in prices for fruit and vegetables by 10,4-16,7%. According to statistical data, the consumer price index made 106,3% as compared to the same period of 2009.

Student Park: society against new constructions

“We do not want to know who builds, we want to know who authorized the building,” public activists say.

May 17, 2010
With passions over the demolition of Moscow Cinema Open-Air Hall fading, Yerevan residents launched a collection of signatures against construction under way in the Student Park. A group of public activists made a statement, saying that “construction works carried out in the Park can transform the urban green belt into another ferroconcrete structure.” “We are ready to use all legal tools to rescue the parks of Yerevan,” people say.