Armenia up 4 lines in FIFA Rankings

July 16, 2010 - 14:13 AMT  03:53 GMT
Football: FIFA published the national rankings, where Armenia is the 96th, going up 4 lines with 318 points. New world champions, Spain, top the rankings with 1883 points, followed by the Netherlands (1659 points) and Brazil (1536 points).
Armenia, cradle of Indo-European civilization

Armenia, cradle of Indo-European civilization

July 13, 2010 - 16:19 AMT  03:53 GMT
In the study of ancient civilizations Armenia often remained on the sidelines, as if she had not been involved in major historical turnovers. The researchers’ interest was almost always confined to the territory of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. But, naturally the “factor” of Armenia could not be excluded in the formation of ancient civilizations. There is much evidence to prove it. Nevertheless, for one reason or another Armenia, yet, was left out from the list of possible leaders.

Facebook users restored Armenian interface of the social network

July 12, 2010 - 17:48 AMT  03:53 GMT
Information security was in the focus of discussions over the past week. Armenian bloggers have created internet resource as an alternative to largest internet encyclopedia – Wikipedia. The created resource provides unbiased and neutral information on Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
Karabakh war. The story of a patriot

Karabakh war. The story of a patriot

July 7, 2010 - 15:06 AMT  03:53 GMT
The 1988 events in Sumgait, Azerbaijan, shocked the entire Armenianhood. Dozens of people were slaughtered, majority of them after tortures and severe beatings. Over 200 apartments were robbed and burnt. Thousands of refugees remained homeless. This year changed the lives of many people. 27-year-old Manvel Yeghiazaryan was not an exception…