Armenian peacekeepers return from Afghanistan

Armenian peacekeepers return from Afghanistan

August 21, 2010 - 13:31 AMT  06:47 GMT
Presently, the second shift of Armenian peacekeepers is performing mission in Afghanistan.
Belarusian President congratulated Catholicos of All Armenians on birthday

Belarusian President congratulated Catholicos of All Armenians on birthday

August 21, 2010 - 13:18 AMT  06:47 GMT
“With your spiritual and enlightening work, you make an outstanding contribution to development of friendship and cooperation between our nations,” the message says.
11,4% industrial production growth registered in Armenia in January-July 2010

11,4% industrial production growth registered in Armenia in January-July 2010

August 21, 2010 - 13:06 AMT  06:47 GMT
Prices for industrial products went up by 30,3%.
Average monthly salary in Armenia totaled AMD 106232 in January-July 2010

Average monthly salary in Armenia totaled AMD 106232 in January-July 2010

August 21, 2010 - 11:55 AMT  06:47 GMT
The unemployment rate decreased by 0,8%, with 84000 people registered as unemployed.

Armenia’s export volumes increase by 43,3% in January-July 2010

August 21, 2010 - 11:44 AMT  06:47 GMT
The country’s external trade totaled $2548,8mln, growing by 26,5% compared with the same period in 2009.

Armenia, Russia strengthening relations

August 21, 2010 - 11:09 AMT  06:47 GMT
The internal political events during the past week focused on the forthcoming visit of Russian President and informal summit of CIS leaders. The oncoming visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Armenia suggests positive development of Armenian-Russian cooperation, stated Eduard Sharmazanov, secretary of the Republican Party of Armenia.
Iranian officials declared victory for country's nuclear program

Iranian officials declared victory for country's nuclear program

August 21, 2010 - 10:47 AMT  06:47 GMT
Russia says the project will give Iran incentive to negotiate with the West and limit its nuclear program to peaceful purposes.

Armenia-Russia: love under duress or out of necessity?

August 20, 2010 - 10:03 AMT  06:47 GMT
For the past two years Armenia has been like a rope, pulled over by Russia and the West in the person of the U.S. and EU. In fact, this is a dangerous exercise; the rope may split up in the end into tousles, which would be almost impossible to bind together again. But the most unpleasant fact is that Armenia has not chosen this policy herself; she has been made to choose this option, which is always fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Armenians do not celebrate Navasard as national holiday because Hayk Nahapet was not Christian

August 13, 2010 - 09:22 AMT  06:47 GMT
For dozens of centuries Armenians had been celebrating the New Year, Navasard, on August 11. Once a favorite popular holiday, it now became a topic of historians’ remarks or Armenian folklore only. “August 11 is the first day of the new year according to the ancient Armenian calendar. It was celebrated by all – the rich and the poor,” said ethnographer Gohar Vardumyan, senior fellow at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences.

Stars of Armenian show business expected Sona Shahgeldyan’s to cause furore

August 5, 2010 - 15:34 AMT  06:47 GMT
An Armenian singer won New Wave song contest for the first time in nine years of its existence. Armenia was represented by Sona Shahgeldyan this year, as she passed through a selection round in April 2010. People had been talking about wonderful vocal of Sona and her unusual timbre for a long time. However, almost all representatives of Armenia were notable for their powerful vocal at the contest. Jury was traditionally delighted with Armenian artists, but each time they lacked several or even one point to win the contest. This refers also to Razmik Amyan, who participated in the contest in 2006, when everyone was speaking with admiration about the singer’s unique voice, but a representative of the U.S. won the contest. Almost the same thing happened to Mher, who participated in New Wave in 2008. He received the People’s Choice Award, but has not won the contest.