More young people to run for parliament next year

More young people to run for parliament next year

September 3, 2010 - 18:20 AMT  07:52 GMT
RA National Assembly speaker Hovik Abrahamyan met with the representatives of the Democrat Youth Community of Europe.
Azerbaijan’s resolution in UN not dangerous for Armenia

Azerbaijan’s resolution in UN not dangerous for Armenia

September 3, 2010 - 18:18 AMT  07:52 GMT
Vladimir Vardanyan: it’s just a document with a number of drawbacks.

Artsakh Independence day marked in Argentine

September 3, 2010 - 17:35 AMT  07:52 GMT
Armenian Ambassador to Argentine, Vladimir Karmirshalyan presented the hard but glorious way Artsakh people passed on the road to independence.

Armenian Youth Party replenished with United National Liberal Party members

September 3, 2010 - 17:34 AMT  07:52 GMT
The main reason for withdrawal of Spitak territorial department from United National Liberal Party is the absence of clear action program, the department head Edik Etibaryan stated.
ArmRosgazprom not ready to comment on Gazprom statement

ArmRosgazprom not ready to comment on Gazprom statement

September 3, 2010 - 17:30 AMT  07:52 GMT
Andrey Kruglov: we expect gas prices to go up in the former republics of the USSR.
Hatis BC to participate in international tournament in Kursk

Hatis BC to participate in international tournament in Kursk

September 3, 2010 - 17:17 AMT  07:52 GMT
The basketball club will compete with Dinamo, Chevakata and Dnepr.

Pavel Avetisyan: excavations in Nergin Gotedzor present major interest to both Armenia and Western Asia

September 3, 2010 - 16:57 AMT  07:52 GMT
“Local and imported articles of neolith epoch were discovered during excavations in Nergin Gotedzor,” the director of the RA NAS Institute of Archaeology stated.
Weekly digest of foreign currency deals

Weekly digest of foreign currency deals

September 3, 2010 - 16:44 AMT  07:52 GMT
From August 23 to 29, AMD loans granted by banks totaled 16.1 billion, while USD loans amounted to 43.5 million.
Aronyan wins 1st round game of Grand Slam Chess Masters

Aronyan wins 1st round game of Grand Slam Chess Masters

September 3, 2010 - 16:41 AMT  07:52 GMT
Aronyan tops the standings with 1 point.
RA government approves draft Mining Code

RA government approves draft Mining Code

September 3, 2010 - 16:38 AMT  07:52 GMT
Tigran Sargsyan: adoption of the code is of keen importance for development of Armenia’s economy.