Azerbaijan doesn’t want to cede Dagestani village to Russia

Azerbaijan doesn’t want to cede Dagestani village to Russia

February 9, 2011 - 12:26 AMT  07:59 GMT
Elkhan Polukhov: all settlements within the territory of Azerbaijan belong to our country, but not to Russia.
ProCredit Bank marks 3rd anniversary

ProCredit Bank marks 3rd anniversary

February 9, 2011 - 12:03 AMT  07:59 GMT
The Bank attracted USD 25mln deposits from customers by the end of 2010.
Turkish consular, Armenian priest’s cars collide in Russia

Turkish consular, Armenian priest’s cars collide in Russia

February 9, 2011 - 11:13 AMT  07:59 GMT
The Armenian Cossack Union supposes it was attempt on Komitas Harutyunyan's life.
Switch to energy-saving light bulbs costly for Armenia

Switch to energy-saving light bulbs costly for Armenia

February 9, 2011 - 09:30 AMT  07:59 GMT
EU started considering a project on repealing the introduced ban on production and import of incandescent light bulbs.

Third of illegal immigrants penetrate into Europe through Turkey

February 9, 2011 - 09:29 AMT  07:59 GMT
Illegal immigrants for Europe mainly from Afghanistan and North Africa who entered by sea in Greece in 2009 have used Turkey as exit point.

Free elections in the Arab world take a turn for Islamic radicalism

February 8, 2011 - 18:22 AMT  07:59 GMT
Events in Tunisia and Egypt at least cleared up some points so far indistinct for the world community, with the exception of British Prime Minister David Cameron. First and foremost, democracy in its American sense was not and is not got used to in the Middle East. The only exception is the State of Israel, but, in this case, we talk of the Arabs.

Na/Ne 2010 journalist award ceremony held in Yerevan

February 6, 2011 - 17:20 AMT  07:59 GMT
The past week started with Na/Ne 2010 journalist award ceremony. Over 100 articles were submitted for the annual media competition. Journalist of Aravot paper Gohar Hakobyan was the first in Printed Article category. 12 works were submitted for Radio Program category, with Armine Gevorgyan (Radio Hye) celebrating victory in it. Meanwhile, none of 29 works submitted for TV Program category managed to gain the first place. Seda Stepanyan, a student of Yerevan State Linguistic University, won in Student’s Work category.

IT field registers growth, government financing remains unchanged

February 6, 2011 - 17:13 AMT  07:59 GMT
Armenian IT field registered 15% growth in 2010. The turnover in the field totaled $150mln against $129.9mln last year. The field employs 5 thousand specialists, with 197 companies operating. At that, government financing of the IT field totaled AMD 80mln (as in 2010), what is 60% less than in 2009, when AMD 200mln was assigned.

Vodka consumption grows when political problems emerge

February 5, 2011 - 17:08 AMT  07:59 GMT
Consumption of vodka grows when political problems emerge, according to chairman of the Union of Armenian Winemakers Avag Harutyunyan. It’s not a secret that political situation gets more tensed, with the false start to the 2012 parliamentary election given.To prove his viewpoint, he presented the statistical data on alcoholic drinks in Armenia.

Robert Hovhannisyan wins Armenian Chess Championship

February 3, 2011 - 18:42 AMT  07:59 GMT
Chess: Levon Aronian finished 3rd at the Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk Aan Zee. Hikaru Nakamura of the United States won the tournament with 9 points, followed by Viswanathan Anand of India. Gabriel Sargissian came 5th in tournament B, which was won by Luke McShane (England).