Vardan Bostanjyan: ANC-coalition dialogue will enable discussion of current issues

Vardan Bostanjyan: ANC-coalition dialogue will enable discussion of current issues

July 18, 2011 - 21:17 AMT  14:53 GMT
According to Prosperous Armenia member, ANC-coalition meeting has formed the institute of a dialogue in Armenia.

Magazine on South Caucasus released in Turkey

July 18, 2011 - 20:43 AMT  14:53 GMT
The first edition of the magazine is titled, South Caucasus Region: Regional and International Perspectives.

PJAK hits back at Iranian military on Kurdistan border

July 18, 2011 - 20:22 AMT  14:53 GMT
Clashes broke out between Party of Free Life for Kurdistan guerrillas and Iranian military as the latter continued their cross-border offensives.
Expert: direct negotiations between Azerbaijan and NKR logical

Expert: direct negotiations between Azerbaijan and NKR logical

July 18, 2011 - 20:04 AMT  14:53 GMT
“By yielding its place to Karabakh at negotiating table, Armenia would still remain a guarantor of NKR's safety,” Andrei Areshev said.
Armenia to reply to Medvedev’s suggestions on Karabakh settlement in near future

Armenia to reply to Medvedev’s suggestions on Karabakh settlement in near future

July 18, 2011 - 19:03 AMT  14:53 GMT
Armenian Foreign Minister and his Russian counterpart focused on various aspects of Karabakh settlement during a phone conversation.
OSCE MG urges Aliyev, Sargsyan to show political will in Karabakh settlement

OSCE MG urges Aliyev, Sargsyan to show political will in Karabakh settlement

July 18, 2011 - 18:40 AMT  14:53 GMT
OSCE MG Co-Chairs reiterated the importance of reaching agreement on Basic Principles to move to final settlement talks.
Armenian Finance Ministry: prices for precious metals go up

Armenian Finance Ministry: prices for precious metals go up

July 18, 2011 - 18:37 AMT  14:53 GMT
Purchase price per one gram of gold will amount to AMD 17047.87 (+488.8), release price AMD 18530.29 (+531.3) this week.
USD market average rate totals AMD 367,07 July 18

USD market average rate totals AMD 367,07 July 18

July 18, 2011 - 17:48 AMT  14:53 GMT
Deals amounting to $2,75 mln at an average price of AMD 366,96 /USD1 were concluded at NASDAQ OMX Armenia on July 18.

Azeris gained their national identity through extermination of Armenians, expert says

July 18, 2011 - 17:47 AMT  14:53 GMT
“Ethnic state is a dangerous mess; Germany, Italy, Ukraine faced similar problems,” Mikhail Leontyev stated.
Hillary Clinton reiterates necessity of Armenia-Turkey rapprochement

Hillary Clinton reiterates necessity of Armenia-Turkey rapprochement

July 18, 2011 - 17:44 AMT  14:53 GMT
The U.S. Secretary of State expressed readiness on behalf of Washington to assist the two countries in normalization of ties.