- stated human rights supporter from Rome Luchiano Ardesi, who was NKR elections supervisor.

People of Nagorno Karabagh the third time chooses his president through the democratic elections. The election results as well as the procedure have proved full groundless of International organizations’ doubts of formed at last Sunday power legitimacy. There are enough reasons for supposing that International Community will approve legal elected NKR leader and will continue dialogue with him.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The International Community’s not readiness to know Arkady Gukassian, as the independent state president is understandable. They cannot do it before the end of Nagorno Karabagh status negotiations. However, irrespective of nowadays recognizing NKR as independent state, there are no any doubts, that namely Arkady Gukassian is legal leader of Karabagh. The big majority of Gukassian’s gathered votes deprive of ground the statements of illegal elections because of former Azerbaijan population is out of Nagorno Karabagh. It is obvious that 20% of country former inhabitants’ votes would not change anything.

Let us remind European Council’s negative expressions concerning last year NKR municipal elections. Though, after several months lord Russell Johnston named erroneous the ECPA estimation of Karabagh municipal elections. There are no doubts this time all will be the same. International organizations needed to make certain that presidential elections were democratic for continuing their contacts with the Nagorno Karabagh official leadership.

As to elections procedure practically all of international supervisors stated their sufficient transparency and democracy. Human rights supporter from Rome Luchiano Ardesi even said that elections in Karabagh were more civilized than those in Italy.
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