New details confirming the ties of Azerbaijan with structures of international terrorist networks are being revealed.

An Azerbaijani terrorist accused of murder of a US citizen and suspected in ties with international extremist network was arrested recently in China. This was reported by the “Central Asian News” agency as well as by the Australian newspapers “Sunday Times”, “Australians” and “Meryury”. The name of the terrorist was not reported. It is only known that he is an Azerbaijani citizen.
PanARMENIAN.Net - While crossing the border of China he had a passport of Nauru, and island state in the Pacific Ocean. This country has been noticed in having ties with international terrorism. According to the available information, the Azerbaijani citizen did not manage to fulfill his main mission in China. The murder of the American was only a part of his failed plan.

According to a former high ranking official of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan, retired colonel Islam Ismailov, the arrested killer had close contacts with the terrorist organization “Organization of Liberation of the Eastern Turkistan”. The expert believes his acts were aimed at “worsening of the relations between the United States and China”.

This fact is not the only confirmation of the ties between Baku and international terrorism structures. A branch of the “Halifat” extremist grouping actively operating in Azerbaijan and Turkey was revealed recently in Bulgaria. According to the “Labor” Bulgarian newspaper quoting the Bulgarian special services, existence of close contacts between the Bulgarian branch of the “Halifat” and its regional structure operating in Baku were disclosed. Colonel Islam Ismailov confirmed the presence of “Halifat” branches in Azerbaijan.

The center of this organization is in Köln. It was created by people living in Turkey and having aggressive Islamist and anti-Semite ideas. According to the German Minister of Interior Otto Shili, the leaders of the group having branches in lot of countries of the world, come out against European values. One of their main goals is the unification of all the Turkish states in a khalifat with Islamic regime of governing. It is known that the founder of the organization, Turk Mohammed Metin Kaplan, in prison at present because of a call for murder, was a friend of Usama Bin Laden. It is interesting that in 1998, long before the attack on the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center, Kaplan was preparing a plan of an attack on the memorial of the founder of Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal Attatyurk, which is being condemned by the Islamists for creation of a criminal regime. It was planned to attack the monument by a plane guided by a pilot-kamikaze. A rather familiar hand.

Not long ago another prove of the ideological presence of the “Al Qaida” in Azerbaijan appeared in Baku. A journalist of the “Zerkalo” newspaper found a paper containing the dialogue of Usama Bin Laden and his son Hamsi. Bin Laden junior asks his father about the events taken place in Afghanistan. The response is that America governed by the devil is terrorizing the whole world; it hates the Afghans and Arabs. “The Islamic states supporting Washington betray Allah and are against Mohammed,” the paper reads. The founder of “Al Qaida” explains that “in order to prevent such things in the future, the Muslims all over the world have to unify and act together, in a united front”. Bin Laden is ready to lead this front. “I swear to Allah, I will fight always against the enemy,” the leader of the world terrorism says.

The official authorities of Azerbaijan pretended there was nothing happening. Nobody asked, how papers with such content could be spread in a mosque with official status. However, Aliyev does not see anything strange in the ties of the Azerbaijan religious figures with structures of international terrorist network.

The inability or the unwillingness of the Baku governors to fight against the extremism led to the fact that Azerbaijan became a space for activity of the terrorist organizations. More and more terrorist organizations open their branches in Azerbaijan. Recently a political scientist from Baku, Rowshan Novruzoglu said that he had information about the presence of branches of an extremist grouping headed by the “terrorist number two” Egyptian Ahmed az-Zavahiri in Azerbaijan. According to Novruzoglu, he has founded the “Gurjistan” terrorist network which is in close ties with the “Forest Brothers” grouping operating in Northern regions of Azerbaijan. “The main task of the organization is to gain control over the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline under construction”.

All the numerated facts demonstrate that the involvement of Azerbaijan in the activity of international terrorists was not by chance. The leaders of extremist structures operating in Baku have understood that Azerbaijan is rather an appropriate place for them. Here a significant part of the population shares their ideas, and the government does not take measures for their elimination. Do they need something more?
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