Only two months ago the newly elected President of Georgia had only few followers in the Armenian-populated regions.

''Armenians of Javakhk connect hopes with Mikhail Sahakashvili,'' the new Head of the regional administration of Akhalkalaki region Arthur Yeremyan said commenting on the results of the Presidential elections taken place Sunday. Menawhile, there are bases to doubt the sincerity of the Armenian electors.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The absolute majority of the Georgian Armenians have really voted for Sahakashvili. But if we compare the results of voting with the results of the Parliamentary elections taken place in November, we can see that on January 4 Sahakashvili got 100 times more votes in the Armenian-populated regions than on November 2. Sahakashvili's party failed in Javakhk having got less than 1%. At the same time, during the Presidential elections, he got about 97% of the votes of the inhabitants of the regions populated with Armenians. On November 2 the majority of Armenians voted for the authorities, Eduard Shevardanzde and Aslan Abashidze, while two month later they give their almost unanimous vote to the oppositional leader.

At a first sight it is a paradox. In reality the reason in rather trivial: the inhabitants of Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda regions populated with Armenians, have always been loyal towards any authority. While the Armenians of Tbilisi are pluralistic, the inhabitants of Javakhetia have never been so. They are always trying to demonstrate their loyalty to the authorities because they are unprotected. They are afraid that in case of an insufficient loyalty the anti-Armenian moods will strengthen.
Once Sahakashvili told the journalists that he was worried by the unanimity of electors that reminded the years when the candidates were getting 99,99% of votes. The difference in the results of Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Javakhk, should also make the newly elected President think.
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