Although the resolution passed in Washington does not contain unpleasant epithets for the Armenian party, the position of the cochairman of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly concerning Karabakh still remains contradictious.

The 14th Washington session of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly held is finished. As it is known on Sunday the session passed a resolution on the Karabakh problem represented by the special representative of OSCE PA on Nagorno Karabakh conflict Goran Lennmarker. However the subject of Karabakh conflict was not closed on that. Discussion of Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict was continued behind closed doors, Tuesday in Washington.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The speakers of the private session were the American cochairman of the Minsk group Steven Mann, the representative of the acting chairman of OSCE Andzhei Kasprshik and Goran Lennmarker. It is quite possible that the discussion touched upon the initiative of creating a "Justice and reconciliation" committee mentioned in Lennmarker's report. The objectives and functions of that structure are sill unclear, but there is no doubt that the author of the idea has agreed the initiative with the co-chairpersons of the Minsk group and met with approval. Otherwise the suggestion on creating the committee would hardly be included in the report.

The "mysterious" committee is not the only riddle contained in Lennmarker's report. His call to settle Karabakh conflict by the "victory-victory" principle also looks strange. It may be assumed that the principle implies an outcome when both parties of the conflict would consider themselves winners. We can still guess what Lennmarker implies under that, but how it is going to be achieved? The answer to this question was for some reason given not during the speech at the Assembly meeting but in the interview to Azerbaijan state "Azertaj" information agency. The answer can hardly be called persuasive. It turn out that both parties will be able to consider themselves winners if official Baku guarantees the security of Karabakh people and Karabakh people accept the inevitability of being a part of Azerbaijan republic. This is the way Goran Lennmarker thinks. The Swedish parliamentarian actually excludes the independent status of Karabakh and predetermines the status of Karabakh in advance. In this case we may ask what was the reason of creating the Minsk group and holding negotiations?

It should be noted that Lennmarker himself clearly realizes that his idea will be rejected by the people of Karabakh. "I haven't contacted with Karabakh after the publication of my report. But I presuppose that they will not like it since the authorities of Nagorno Karabakh wish to achieve independence. But I have to tell the truth. I was appointed to this post not to express correctness", said the author of the passed resolution. But if Lennmarker himself realizes that Karabakh people take his plan as their defeat, how can he speak about the "victory-victory" principle in Karabakh conflict settlement?…
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