The President of Azerbaijan threatens Armenia with war again

Constant propagation of the image of the enemy sooner or later will become the nation's disorder detonator.

Towards the end of 2006 the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave an interview to the radio station "Echo Moskvi". There was nothing new in the President's speech, but the questions asked by the audience aroused bewilderment and misunderstanding. Such a wild hatred towards another nation perhaps may only be compared with the one that Nazis had for Jews.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Here are some of the questions addressed to the President of the neighboring country during the interview; Nargiz from Baku asks, "Mr. President, I have always dreamed to see our lands liberated and with no Armenian. Can you promise me that my most sacred dream will once come true and that there will be no Armenian on the Caucasus? Hasan from Moscow and Elchin from Ukraine continue, "Mr. President, many a time you have announced how important it is to liberate Karabakh for the Azeri Nation. But how come no one ever brings forward the question of Yerevan and Zangezur? The Modern Republic of Azerbaijan is the successor of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan 1918-1920, part of which was Zangezur. Consequently we also have legal basis for the reestablishment of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. What will you do to liberate Karabakh and Yerevan Khanate from the Armenians? We are ready to fight for the freedom of the Western Azerbaijan (Modern Armenia)". Further comments are needless, but since the Azeri mentioned the years of 1918-1920, then it should be once again reminded, that just the very Nagorno-Karabakh wasn't included in the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, just as "Yerevan Khanate" and Zangezur weren't. They had been part of to the Russian Empire since 1828 in the result of the Russian-Persian War. It goes without saying that Azerbaijan didn't even exist at those times; there were only the Sheki and Baku Khanates in the territory of Persia… And to put an end to this topic, let us just mention the letter from Temo Lordkipanidze from Georgia, in which he expresses his willingness "to help Azerbaijan in its war against the separatists in Karabakh"; "Couldn't you establish an organization accepting volunteers and providing them with weapon?" It is obvious that Ilham Aliyev didn't answer these questions during the live interview, in any case there is nothing mentioned in the published text. Pretending a "democrat" in front of the whole world is quite another thing from showing one's true colors. Azerbaijan prefers to rend the air with threats and illusions of a powerful army, the soldiers of which are more willing to be held captive by the Armenians, rather than serve in their own army. We, Armenians are much told about tolerance, fence-mending and development of mutual understanding between nations, however, for some reasons no one tells any of the above mentioned phenomena to Ilham Aliyev, who is sure that for the sake of energy supply he may do and say whatever blows to his mind, including the hackneyed phrase which says, "The tolerance of the Azeri Nation is not unlimited; we will liberate our lands."

Who will liberate Karabakh? Maybe the valiant Azerbaijani army, or the mercenary soldiers, who can be available for a large sum of money? Most likely the President of Azerbaijan has the mercenary soldiers in mind while speaking about the increasing of the military expenditure; however he forgets the words of the late President of Turkey Turgut Ozal, which say "We can provide you with military equipment and advisors, but we cannot fight instead of you." Perhaps he forgot Shamil Basayev's disgraceful campaign in Karabakh too, not to mention the Ukrainian aviators bombing Stepanakert; none of them helped Azerbaijan in the liberation war of the Artsakh Nation. Unfortunately Azerbaijan did not reap any lessons over the past 15 years. Constant propagation of the image of the enemy sooner or later will become the nation's disorder detonator, which will one fine day depose Aliyev's clan. By the way, it won't be very hard - just raising prices on public utilities and particularly on energy. And all the talks about the enormous oil supplies of Azerbaijan once again will become just another reason for holding "free and democratic elections". No one is going to get into war in any case. Only there is one question left; does Baku really think that Armenia takes all its threats seriously?
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