Appointment of Rudolf Perina may be qualified as USA's intention to strengthen its positions in Armenia as counterbalance to Russia

Rudolf Perina took part in formation of the Dayton Agreement in 1995, which gave bases for the constitutional structure in Bosnia and Herzegovina existing up to present.

The appointment of the new temporary chargé d'affaires for the USA in Armenia Rudolf Perina gives reason to see some things over. First of all there is an idea that the question of appointment of the Ambassador will take longer to be solved, and Perina, as a rather skillful diplomat, is needed in Armenia, moreover taking into account his large experience in conflict resolution processes.
PanARMENIAN.Net - According to the former Russian Ambassador Vladimir Kazimirov, he is not only a highly qualified professional but also an advocate of creative approach to the most complicated problems of Karabakh. "As far as I remember he has been one of the initiators of one of the most essential turning points of the resolution of this conflict. As it was mentioned the present OSCE Co-Chairs are also involved in the process and also come up with ideas of their own," Kazimirov mentioned.

It must be reminded that in 2002 the American diplomat, who is by the way specialist of conflicts, announced on the radio station Echo Moskvi; "The international community, I repeat, is not ready to recognize neither South Ossetia, nor Abkhazia or Transnistria as independent countries. The case with Nagorno-Karabakh is a little different, and negotiations are held between Armenia and Azerbaijan regarding the status of the mentioned region. The negotiations haven't given any specific outcomes yet; the international community supports the idea of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and doesn't recognize Nagorno-Karabakh. We, the mediators try to help the two countries to find a solution." In fact not having any other propositions, "the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan" is accepted. But as soon as the mediators, together with the President of Armenia and the President of Azerbaijan come to a common agreement, taking into account the will of the nations, the notorious principle may be forgotten.

Appointment of Rudolf Perina may be qualified as USA's intention to strengthen its positions in Armenia as counterbalance to Russia. Most likely the new chargé d'affaires will have his indirect role in the works carried out by OSCE Minsk Group regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict resolution. This assumption may be grounded by the fact that Perina is perfectly familiar with conflict resolution processes and with Karabakh Conflict particularly. Moreover, Rudolf Perina took part in formation of the Dayton Agreement signed in 1995, which gave bases for the constitutional structure in Bosnia and Herzegovina existing up to present. The established system is considered to be ineffective, but by the reestablishment of the mutual confidence between the three nations; the Bosnians, the Serbs and the Croats, it will make things more complicated in case of cancellation. Lately the western countries have been calling on reconsidering the Dayton systems and the adoption of the traditional Constitution. This plan in particular would improve the relationship between European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, no particular agreement is reached regarding the issue.

We should not ignore the possibility of a new US war in the region with Iran, but in this case Armenia will have to face the outcomes of the war as well and in this case diplomats capable of making quick decisions are needed. By the way Richard Hoagland is not the worst variant for a small country like Armenia. Most likely he will arrive in autumn. His viewpoint regarding the Armenian Genocide is the same with the one that the Administration and the US State Department has, though the fact that the US Ambassador to Israel recognizes Holocaust doesn't count in this case, as the Holocaust is officially recognized by the US Government. The recognition of the Armenian Genocide is far from the same destiny at present, and we don't think that the new temporary chargé d'affaires will dare to publicly speak about the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, for a diplomat has no right to express his personal viewpoint regarding such issues.
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