The visit of the Armenian and Azeri intellectuals to Karabakh, Yerevan and Baku was of great significance to all the parties and necessary more than ever

The President Ilham Aliyev as always was faithful to his principles. He announced, "The conflict may be resolved exclusively on the bases of the principles of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan with high autonomy granted to Karabakh."

After the meeting of the President of Armenia and the President of Azerbaijan held in Saint Petersburg, something definitely was to happen. The meeting was to lead either to war, or to some peaceful methods of conflict resolution. War wasn't unleashed, but the visit of the representatives of the Armenian and Azeri intellectuals was a great shock to the Azeri society; Arkadi Ghukasyan from a "separatist leader" became the President of "self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh" in no time.
PanARMENIAN.Net - "I consider that Nagorno-Karabakh must participate in peace talks. Even if you call Ghukasyan a separatist, he is the President of Nagorno-Karabakh and must participate in negotiations. This is my personal opinion. According to some information disseminated by press I left Karabakh with my eyes bent. I declare with all the responsibility that I have nothing to be ashamed of and have no fear from anyone at all. My viewpoint is based on the actions I take presently, and I think it is necessary to carry on establishing similar contacts," said Polad Bul Bul oghlu, who turned out to be the most honest person among the Azeri Delegation. He, by the way, denied the information which said that his father had been shot. Perhaps Karabakh should have the chance to receive as many Azerbaijanis as possible, for them to see how the Azeri Press and Akif Nagi try to throw dust on their eyes.

According to RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanyan, the initiative of the Armenian and Azeri Ambassadors to RF Armen Smbatyan and Polad Bul Bul oghlu is positive and very timely. "This visit may become the basis of reestablishment of confidence between the nations, which has been discussed during the negotiations more than once. The OSCE Minsk Group has nothing to do with the organization of the visit. During the meeting in Saint Petersburg the Ambassadors appealed to Robert Kocharyan and Ilham Aliyev with the suggestion, which was accepted," said Vartan Oskanyan.

According to the President of Nagorno-Karabakh Arkadi Ghukasyan, it is necessary to enter into dialogue and create an atmosphere of confidence between the nations. "The initiative of the Ambassadors may create a healthy and constructive atmosphere in the process of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict resolution," said Ghukasyan, confirming that the artificially created intolerance and call to war only impede the conflict regulation process. In the opinion of the President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, the establishment of contacts and the atmosphere of mutual confidence between the two nations built by means of the very contacts will have their irreplaceable asset in the process of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict resolution. "In spite of existing problems, it is very essential to find common borders, and Armenia is well willing to assist the process," mentioned the President of Armenia.

As for the President of Azerbaijan, he as always was faithful to his principles. He announced, "The conflict may be resolved exclusively on the bases of the principles of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan with high autonomy granted to Karabakh." Yet what happened in Baku can't be left unmentioned; Akif Nagi tried to upset the press-conference of the representatives from Azerbaijan; however the police took away the members of "Karabakh Liberation Organization" from the hall.

The visit immediately gave birth to different comments, which lead to one and the same opinion; the visit of the Armenian and Azeri intellectuals was of great significance to all the parties and necessary more than ever. Eldar Namazov thinks that the authorities of Azerbaijan must explain the aim of the visit, forgetting that Ilham Aliyev gives explanations only when he thinks it necessary himself. And the viewpoint of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan is quite incomprehensible. According to the Head of the Press-Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Khazar Ibrahim, Polad Bul Bul oghlu and Armen Smbatyan realized this visit "in the course of their personal initiative as former ministers of culture of Azerbaijan and Armenia". One thing is not clear though; how can the Ambassador who is appointed by the President of the country visit this or that country "in the course of personal initiative"?

In Armenia the visit was taken the way typical of any civilized society. By the way, in times of Heydar Aliyev Armenian journalists and experts often visited Baku, however everything ended during Aliyev Junior, who believing in the power of oil, thought that he could solve his problems on his own, not thinking that the world community can finally turn down Baku's oil, which in fact is needed by Turkey only. After all 0.6% of world oil supply doesn't change much. It is not difficult to prove the President of Azerbaijan the above mentioned fact, and the present visit is one of the most evident proves.
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