The Armenians from the USA hope for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the next U.S. President

The Armenian National Committee of America sent out questionnaires to all the candidates standing for the U.S. Presidential elections, where questions regarding their views on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide were included.

Every four years a new hope beams for the Armenian Community of the USA that a recurrent candidate, taking the post of the President, will finally recognize the Armenian Genocide. But of course this never happens, because after becoming the President of the USA, the one-time candidate has more serious issues on his agenda than the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, especially with the present economic crisis the country is suffering or the protracted operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and "the complications" with Iran that the USA is facing. Besides, if all the promises made during the election campaign were kept, we would have paradise on earth.
PanARMENIAN.Net - And the most important thing to be mentioned is that only Democrats speak of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the Republicans keep silent in this issue during the presidential primaries. But the only President over the last 40 years, i.e. since the times when the Armenian lobbyist organizations raised the question about the Armenian Genocide in the USA, having used the term Genocide in his annual message of April 24, was the Republican Ronald Reagan. Just like the governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger. The motives of both of them can be quite explainable - the State of California has the biggest Armenian community and consequently the biggest Armenian electorate and their votes had a rather decisive role.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) sent out questionnaires to all the candidates standing for the U.S. Presidential elections, which included questions regarding the candidates' views on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the US - Armenian relations in the sphere of economics, politics and defense, as well as the rights of the nation of Nagorno-Karabakh for self-determination, the blockage of Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The candidates of Democrats have answered the questions rather friendly and unanimously. Like the Senator from Illinois Barack Obama promised to recognize the Armenian Genocide if elected. He also called on the U.S. Congress to pass Resolution 106 about the Armenian Genocide.

Barack Obama also confirmed his support for the development of the Armenian-American relations in the issues of security and consolidation of democracy in Armenia, as well as promised cooperation in opening the Armenian-Turkish borders and in regulation of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with acceptable conditions for both parties. "The U.S. Armenians welcome the call of the Senator Obama and his viewpoint regarding the Armenian-American relations," announced the ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparyan. "America deserves a leader who won't sin against the truth in the issue of the Armenian Genocide and will have his decisive word regarding all the genocides. I intend to be this leader," declared Barack Obama.

Turkey's reaction immediately followed the announcement. The Turkish Prime-Minister Recep accused Barack Obama of "political inexperience". "It is quite possible that the announcement regarding the qualification of the events of 1915 as genocide with the aim of gaining more votes and winning in the elections will cast aspersions on our relations. One mustn't become the slave of empty promises… Everybody is quite aware of the fact that in case the Armenian bill is passed by the U.S. Congress, Turkey's relations with the USA will suffer a great damage. The day will come when the USA will have to choose between 70 million Turks and 2 million Armenians. The American-Turkish relations shouldn't be influenced by any lobby, slander and minor political benefits," emphasized the Turkish Prime-Minister.

Obama's support for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide was followed by Hillary Clinton's and John Edward's promises on the same issue. The latter tried to win the respect of the Armenian Community also by supporting the interests of the 17 years old Nathalin Sarksyan, who died in the result of the incurrence company's refusal to finance her operation of liver transplantation.

In short, the current U.S. Presidential campaign has nothing new for the Armenian Community of the USA. The question that rises after all is: are the Armenians indeed so naïve to believe all that is said and promised during an election campaign?
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