The Caucasus platform leaves out Iran and is sponsored by the USA

Especially interested in the non-admission of Iran into the Caucasus platform is Israel, since in that case, the activity of the European lobby in Washington would be hindered.

Turkish Prime-Minister Recep Erdogan's initiative on forming "Peace and Stability Caucasus Platform" almost coincided with the regular rumors on the possible attack of the USA on Iran. As such, the struggle for becoming a regional power-holder passed on to the next, and, quite possibly, to the concluding phase. Naturally, the USA openly backs up Turkey in this struggle, while Russia holds a neutral position, giving preference to neither of the sides.
PanARMENIAN.Net - However, no one displays interest in the position of the South Caucasian states, which have caused all this mess. According to Kamal Zareh, Representative of the Iranian Embassy to Armenia on political issues, "The South Caucasian states come to the conclusion that they should not set hopes on non-regional countries for the solution of their own problems."

However, it is exactly what the USA, Israel and Turkey beware of. Especially interested in the non-admission of Iran into the Caucasus platform is Israel, since in that case, the activity of the European lobby in Washington would be hindered. It should be admitted that more probably Turkey would bend towards Iran rather than towards Israel for the good reason that it is easier for two Muslim countries to get along. Besides, the Government of Erdogan would not like to look a rara avis in the eyes of his Muslim brothers, since only Turkey and Egypt in the region have diplomatic ties with Israel. All this complicates the unstable situation in the Middle East even further. If we take a look at the theoretical map of the Great Middle East, it'll be clear that one day the tiny point called Israel will simply disappear from it. This would be a great reason for another regional war, which, unlike Saakashvili's «five-day» war, may seriously reshape the regional map.

Meanwhile, Alaska Governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin declares: "The USA must fight against Tehran's nuclear capability and allow Israel to strike Iranian nuclear stations. I believe that nuclear weapons under the control of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are extremely dangerous to everyone on this globe."

According to media notifications, preparations for the attack on Iran are getting into the concluding phase. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert summoned Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni for an urgent consultation on the Iranian problem. Meanwhile the USS «Theodore Roosevelt» headed out to the Mediterranean Sea "in support of marine security." Thus, the number of US aircraft carriers reached 4 around Iran; they are located in the Mediterranean and Arabian Sea, as well as in the Persian Gulf.

The bombing of Pakistan (Iran's neighbouring state) by the US air force, which began at the end of August, is part of the US campaign on destabilization of the region and overthrow of the troubling regime. Additional naval forces began drawing to the Persian Gulf about a month ago. Sources report that besides the USS «Theodore Roosevelt» many other ships are involved in the campaign, among them US aircraft-carrier «Ronald Reagan», US helicopter-carrier «Iwo Jima», Great Britain and France aircraft-carrier «Ark Royal», several French naval ships, as well as atomic submarine «Ametist». Thus, the total number of naval blocks of NATO member states around Iran exceeds 40, including a number of submarines with nuclear weapons on board.

However, Armenian expert on Iran Tadevos Charchyan believes that statements about U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran are groundless. "Information about 40 naval blocks of NATO member states around Iran, including submarines with nuclear weapons on board is misinformation. Such statements are made to test the reaction of Iran or to provoke it to tough anti-Israeli declarations. Neglecting the show, Iran and its President Ahmadinejad can avoid pressure. What we have now is simply specification of suppositions. But the USA will not attack Iran, since it has Iraq stuck in its throat," the Armenian expert noted.

As for the notorious «Caucasus platform», Turkey has already received affirmation from the EU. "The Presidency of the Council of the European Union takes an opportunity to express its serious interest in the Turkish initiative, the Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform. It will be a significant contribution on the part of Turkey to regional stability, security and development, which is taking on a new dimension in the context of the conflict in Georgia," French Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs.

The position of Iran consists in the following: its nonparticipation in the Turkish initiative makes it imperfect. "The idea of Turkey, besides being too unexpected was also insincere, because for solving regional problems it is necessary to stir up regional cooperation, and it is impossible to overlook Iran in the process of ensuring balance in the region," underlined Kamal Zareh, adding that the best variant would be 3+3, i.e. the three republics of the South Caucasus plus Russia, Iran and Turkey.
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