Armenia in ArmTech 2009 and France Telecom in Armenia

Primary economic events of the week (31.10 - 07.10).

Armenian Delegation, led by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan is on a working visit to USA to participate in ArmTech 2009 business forum. According to the RA government press office, on November 5, Prime minister visited Stanford University, the Linear Accelerator Center SLAC, met with representatives of the Union of Armenian students of Stanford University.

PanARMENIAN.Net - At a meeting with students Mr. Sargsyan focused on the issue of raising Armenia's competitiveness, problems of infrastructure development, higher education reforms, new economic developments in case of opening the Armenian-Turkish border.

Prime Minister visited the Sequoia Capitals, Venture Partners of the United States.


The 9th CTS 2009 tourism exhibition opened in Yerevan on November 6. The event was organized by Armenian Association of Travel Agents (ААТА) and American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA).

Over 65 organizations from Armenia, Georgia, NKR, Israel and Greece presented their services. The purpose of the exhibition is to encourage tourism and raise pubic awareness about the achievements and development of tourism industry.

"A week ago, a meeting with representatives of Turkish Association of Travel Agents took place. It was agreed that Turkish tour operators will visit CTS 2010 exhibition," said Eghishe Tanashyan, ААТА deputy chairman.

For his part, RA Deputy Minister of Economy Ara Petrosyan said that the number of tourists visiting Armenia increased by 5.6 % while a 3% slump was registered universally.


Armenia's 2010 Budget in agricultural sphere will comprise AMD 9 billion 3 million and 956 thousand which is an AMD 4 billion 810 million decrease compared to 2009, Agriculture Minister Gerasim Alaverdyan said.

To ensure stable anti-epidemic situation in the country, it is planned to launch a cattle vaccination program which will cost AMD 1 billion.

It is also planned to launch an AMD 1 billion and 100 million land subsidy program for 315 thousand 425 communities of highland regions.

The 2010 cattle development program (which costs AMD 344 million) will be implemented in conjunction with Japanese Government.


President Serzh Sargsyan has received France Telecom President Didier Lombard and Deputy Manager Olaf Suanti, as well as Orange Armenia organization's General Director Bruno Duthoit and French Ambassador to Armenia Serge Smesov.

Welcoming the delegation, President was noted with satisfaction that first part of program was implemented within a short period and expressed Armenian side's interest in new international brands.

France Telecom President Didier Lombard added in turn that company had really managed to carry out a lot of work within a short time and expressed gratitude to Armenian government for its support. Didier also said that their company's goal was to introduce innovations in TV broadcasting sphere, RA President's official Web site reports.


The number of UNIStream clients increased by 14% and reached 205 thousand in the third quarter of 2009, with over $ 167,8 million was transferred via the system.

"People prefer UNIStream thanked to its uniqueness, beneficial tariffs and expanded network," said Suren Ayriyan, general manager of UNIStream. "UNIStreamcovers over 55% of Armenian market. Our clients may receive their transfer in any branch of Unibank."

According to an agreement signed in October between VTB Bank Armenia and MoneyGram international money transfer system, the bank's clients can henceforth send and receive MoneyGram USD and Euro transfers, the bank's press office reported.


GPM Gold opened negotiations with Armenian railways concessionary, South Caucasian Railways company, to increase ore transportation volumes to Ararat processing plant. Through additional SCRW investments, GPM Gold will increase annual ore supply to Ararat processing plant to 1,5 -2 million tons.

To increase processing and extraction volumes, GPM Gold is developing a new investment program for Ararat processing plant re-equipment. As a result, the plant's production capacity will grow to reach 80-100 gold ounces a year.


On November 3, ArmRosgazprom CJSC conducted its regular session in Yerevan to discuss company's complex reconstruction and development programs and 2010 gas energy and investment project, as well as "ArmRosgazprom CJSC's 2010 Financial-Entrepreneurial Activity Program".

Managing board made decision to approve the program projects containing its members' remarks and proposals and submit them during the next session of directors' board, the company's press service reports.


Armenian Delegation, led by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan is on a working visit to USA to participate in ArmTech 2009 business forum.

Before that over 1000 inspections were carried out, resulted in 40 million AMD of paid fines and penalties," Chief of Inspectorate Grisha Baghyan told press conference on November 3. According to him, during inspections lawbreakers are fined at 50 to 300 thousand AMD.


At a meeting with the Minister of Transport and Communications Gurgen Sargsyan the Italian Ambassador to Armenia Bruno Scapini said that Italian companies are interested in railway programs. Bruno Scapini, particularly mentined the interest shown by "Italfer", which coordinates the entire railway system of Italy.

In the framework of the WB program aimed at improving the roads of vital importance the Italian-Belgian joint venture ensures the quality control.

During the meeting, the minister at the request of the Ambassador presented the programs on construction of the Armenia-Iran railway.


Turkey will be Armenia's trade partner like other countries of the region, deputy head of State Income Committee Armen Alaverdyan said.

"So long as both Armenia and Turkey are WTO members, Armenia can't set any different customs of tax rules on Turkey. As to customs administration, we should carry out a great deal of work before opening checkpoints," he told a news conference on November 3.

Commenting on fears that Turkish goods will flood Armenian market, Alaverdyan said the local market will admit as many goods as it can. "If goods are too many prices will fall, as result," he said.

Alaverdyan also informed that the budget was replenished with AMD 427,9 billion. "Returns decreased by 16% due to the economic crisis," he said.

Viktoriya Araratyan / PanARMENIAN News
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