In modern history Armenia has had no greater enemy than Aliyev Sr.

It’ll be too late when Aliyev Jr. realizes that he cannot speculate in oil and gas reserves ad infinitum.

On May 10 the celebrations of Heydar Aliyev’s birthday were held in Baku. The range of activities and glorifications on behalf of the deceased leader crossed all thinkable boundaries. Even Joseph Stalin was not such a “personality cult” that is being inculcated in Baku today. Likewise, Kim Il Sung, the legendary North Korean leader is in not the same street as Heydar Aliyev. We gave ourselves the trouble to look through the entire world press, which, according to the Baku agitation and propaganda department, was flooded with “a huge number of publications on the occasion of the birthday of the national leader, the father of nation”. Nothing at all was found anywhere except sister Georgia. That said, more and more disappointed one becomes with the trustworthiness and accuracy of the Azerbaijani media.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Yet, Ankara celebrated the 87th birthday anniversary of ex-President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. The ceremony was attended by the 9th Turkish President Suleyman Demirel, politician Hikmet Cetin, Director General of the TRT Ibrahim Sahin, as well as other prominent political figures of the country. Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov noted that Turkey and Azerbaijan will struggle against problems shoulder to shoulder. “The principle of ‘One Nation, Two States’, as noted by Heydar Aliyev, will always work,” Khalafov emphasized. As the saying goes, God himself commanded Turkey to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Aliyev, for it was he who made Azerbaijan the “younger brother” of Turkey and supplied her with oil and gas for lowest prices till the end of life. It was Aliyev that implemented the project Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan that bypasses Armenia. Generally speaking, in modern history Armenia has had no greater enemy than Aliyev Sr. His son is only the white copy of his father.

Now a little about the Aliyev family. The Aliyevs are Kurdish khans by origin, who at the end of the 19th century migrated from Armenia to Nakhichevan. In his time Heydar’s uncle, Hassan, who in the 30-40s was Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, assisted Heydar in promoting his career. The Nakhichevan clan has always been remarkable in its persistence and perseverance in achieving goals. The clan came onto the political scene as ruling in the late 60s, following the appointment of Nakhichevani native KGB Major General Heydar Aliyev to the post of the First Secretary of the Azerbaijani Communist Party Central Committee. Becoming politician number one in the Azerbaijan SSR, Aliyev did his best to form an obedient administration. To the key posts were appointed those whom the first secretary could unconditionally rely on, i.e. Nakhichevani people. Economic basis of the clan was the flower trade in which Aerbaijan was engaged throughout the Soviet Union. In a word, in Soviet Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev was a “God, king and military commander”. The situation lasted until 1987, when Mikhail Gorbachev released Aliyev from his high post. As a result, Heydar lost the most important levers of controlling the situation in the country, and his many years’ work on building a system of government burst at the seams. However, the revolution in Azerbaijan, carried out in the summer of 1993, brought Heydar Aliyev to the highest office in the Republic, giving him a chance to restore and consolidate the pre-perestroika power of the Nakhichevani clan.

It is said that the main task of the Azerbaijani diplomats abroad is to erect monuments to Heydar Aliyev. Moreover, should the ambassador fail this mission, he is simply withdrawn. As for Aliyev Jr., sometimes it seems that all his activities as president of Azerbaijan are aimed at further glorification of his father, although, this must be the limit! Sometimes reading all these eulogies to the deceased, who actually died three months before the officially announced date, one wonders: Can the whole of Azerbaijan be, in fact, thinking this way? Or can they be scoffing? Although, the Azeris are more law-abiding in relation to their leadership, than, for example, the Armenians. Democracy and human rights are not for Baku. And it will be too late when Aliyev Jr. finally realizes that he cannot speculate in oil and gas reserves ad infinitum. His father could understand this much better, despite the fact that it was under Aliyev Sr. that the territories, now comprising the NKR security zone, were liberated. Unlike his son, he did not rattle the sabre, and was within an inch of signing a peace treaty in Key West. He did not sign it because of his son. And now Ilham to the best of his ability thanks his father, although as we said, all this looks like a cruel joke of normal human feelings.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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