Yerevan Water Utility company launches its web-site

PanARMENIAN.Net - Today official presentation of the new web-site of the Yerevan Water Utility , company took place. According to press office of Yerevan Water Utility , their web site is a corporate component of the Veolia Water International's telecommunication base.

The web site is aimed at strengthening the connection of the company to its customers, raising the efficiency of the company in solving the problems, raising the public awareness concerning investment programs, etc.

Veolia Water, the Water Division of Veolia Environnement, signed a contract with the Armenian government (State Committee for Water Economy) to manage the water services for Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia to 1.2 million inhabitants. The 10-year contract, which was awarded following an international competitive bidding process overseen by the World Bank, is set to generate total revenue of €160 million over the period. Veolia Water's pledged to prioritize reducing network leakage and connecting the entire population to in a bid to enhance efficiency and quality of service.

Under the agreement, Veolia Water manages all water production and distribution, wastewater collection, as well as customer services.
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