SCR implements 14.5 billion rubles worth investment program between 2008 and 2038

PanARMENIAN.Net - The total cost of the investment program of "South Caucasus Railways" in 2008-2009 amounted to 3 653.3 million rubles. Implementation of commitments under the Concession contract for the same period amounted to 100.2%, press service of the company reports with reference to Director General of the South Caucasus Railways Shevket Shaydullin. 

SCR implements 14.5 billion rubles worth investment program between 2008 and 2038.  (12 AMD per 1 ruble). 

According to director general, in 2009, the main priority for SCR investment program will be modernization of infrastructure management. 

Since the beginning of operations (June 1, 2008), the concessionaire, in accordance with the concession contract must invest 1.9 billion rubles in the infrastructure and rolling stock by the end of the third quarter of 2009. 2.08 billion rubles worth investments were made.  0.84 billion rubles were invested for modernization of the infrastructure, 1.24 billion rubles (with track equipment) were spent for modernization of rolling stock. In 2008-2009 actual funding amounted to 3.3 billion rubles, including 1.7 billion rubles to upgrade rolling stock and 1,65 billion rubles to repair and improve the infrastructure. 
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