Gas consumers number in Armenia comprises 597 366 as of February 1, 2010

As of February 1, 2010, the number of gas consumers in Armenia reached 597 366, ArmRosGazprom press office said. Thus, over January 2010, total number of gas consumers grew by 1013.

In all, 260 928 signalling devices and cutoff valves were installed by ArmRosGazprom in accordance with the governmental decree.

Founded in 1997, ArmRosGazprom, a subsidiary of Gazprom, supplies gas for the domestic market in Armenia. The company also transports, stores, processes, distributes, and sells natural gas; and generates electricity, as well as engages in the reconstruction and expansion of the gas transportation system and underground storage facilities system in Armenia. In addition, it manages gas deliveries from the Russian Federation to Armenia, as well as exports to Turkey. Currently, the company's authorized capital totals AMD 316.6 billion.

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