Significant growth recorded in Armenia’s cargo transportation volume

PanARMENIAN.Net - 6% and 3% growth was recorded in cargo and passenger transportation rates respectively within the CIS member-countries over the first five months of 2010, according to the CIS statistical committee.

During the reporting period, the volume of cargo transportation in Armenia increased by 22.8%, in Kazakhstan – 16.7%, they are followed by Ukraine - 14%. Meanwhile, Russia tops the list of countries with the biggest cargo transportation volume (48.8% of the total cargo transportation within the CIS), which is followed by Kazakhstan and Ukraine (32.3% and 10.1% respectively), the press service of RailVneshTrans company told PanARMENIAN.Net

Decrease of cargo transportation volume was observed in Moldova, Russia and Kyrghyzstan (11.3%, 1.5% and 0.9% respectively).

Besides, the passenger transportation rate increased in Armenia by 2.4%, in Kazakhstan – 19.1%, Azerbaijan – 7.1%, Belarus – 4.8%, Kyrgyzstan – 2.9%, Tajikistan – 5.2%.

Meanwhile, during the reporting period 2.7% and 6.3% drop was recorded in the passenger transportation rate of Russia and Ukraine respectively.

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