7.1% unemployment rate recorded in Armenia in January-September 2010

PanARMENIAN.Net - The unemployment rate totaled 7.1% in Armenia in January-September 2010 against 6.9% reported during the same period in 2009.

The number of unemployed officially registered by the State Employment Service totaled 84,200, the RA National Statistical Service reported. The total number of economically active population totaled 1,187,300 in January-September 2010, with 1,103,100 people having jobs.

The official demand for workforce in Armenia comprised 1214 people or 69 unemployed per 1 vacancy as of the end of September 2010.

22,100 out of the total number of unemployed were receiving benefits against 26,500 as of the end of September 2009.The average monthly benefit grossed AMD 16,535 against 17,071 in September 2009.

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