PanARMENIAN.Net - The first group of repatriates from Russia will arrive in Armenia from Russia in late summer, said Chief of the Department of Migration and Refugees under the Armenian Government Gagik Yeganian. It should be noted that he is in Moscow at present to acquaint Armenian citizens living in Russia with the details of the Armenian-Russian agreement on voluntary resettlement. It should be noted that the document, signed already in 1998, remained idle due to absence of mechanisms for its realization. In the course of the visit to Moscow members of the Armenian delegation met with the Consul of Armenia in Russia, representatives of Armenian non-governmental organizations, head of the New Nakhichevan Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Bishop Yezras and local Armenians. "These meetings are called to contribute to our compatriots getting to know about benefits being granted in case of their return to the fatherland. For example, many people do not know that in case of moving, the Armenian party will assume all property transportation expenses," G. Yeganian said, noting that repatriates are generally preoccupied with issues referring to paper work.
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