PanARMENIAN.Net - At the election of local government bodies held in Turkey March 28 pro-Armenian disposed candidates won in may regions populated by Armenians. As reported by Marmara Armenian newspaper being published in Istanbul, in those districts of Istanbul, where many Armenians live, the victory was gained by representatives of political forces opposed to Justice and Development ruling party and having representatives of Armenian nationality in their team and supporting Armenians. According to the source, this is the first time, when candidates having Armenian aides win in three Istanbul districts at once. Among them is the head of Shishli region administration, who by the way became the first functionary to take an Armenian aide - Vazgen Baren. The aide of the head of Isles region is also Armenian -Herman Balyan, who will be appointed vice-chairman of the region. Another representative of Armenian nationality - Jacqueline Kyosse - will be appointed aide of Bakyrgyukh region head. In the opinion of Marmara newspaper editor Rober Attechian, this will allow to solve many problems Istanbul Armenians have.
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