Lithuanian Foreign Minister calls for better economic ties with Armenia

Lithuanian Foreign Minister calls for better economic ties with Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian thanked his Lithuanian counterpart Audronius Ažubalis for Lithuania’s assistance to the OSCE Minsk Group during its chairmanship of the Organization.

At a joint press conference in Yerevan, Minister Nalbandian said they have discussed a number of issues on bilateral cooperation, as well as regional and international developments.

He also added that Armenia and Lithuania marked the 20th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations back in 2011 since it was the first Baltic state to recognize Armenia’s independence and one of the first to establish its embassy in Yerevan.

For his part, Lithuanian Foreign Minister highlighted the positive political capital already existing between the two countries. Basing on it, “modest” economic relations should be developed. According to Ažubalis, Lithuanian companies are demonstrating interest towards the Armenian market.

In addition, he mentioned Armenia’s significant progress over joining the Association Agreement.

Except for Ukraine, Armenia is the first country which needs to just ratify the agreement.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister also said that his country will host Eastern Summit in 2013 on problems of Eastern Partnership, and will make every effort to secure its success.

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