Activists to gather for ANC-WR Advocacy Day

Activists to gather for ANC-WR Advocacy Day

PanARMENIAN.Net - Activists from across California will join the Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region and the California State Legislature in commemorating the 97th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at the State Capitol in Sacramento on Thursday, April 19, Asbarez reported.

The day’s events will include an Advocacy Day where activists will visit various legislators’ offices to advocate issues of interest to the Armenian American community in California, a commemoration of the Armenian Genocide on the State Senate and Assembly floor, as well as a photo exhibit by Khatchig Mouradian, showcasing the current state of Armenian Churches in present-day Turkey.

“The annual Armenian Genocide commemoration reaffirms California’s commitment to combating genocide and its denial while providing Armenian Americans an opportunity to connect with representatives and engage the political process,” said Armen Garabedian, Chairman of the ANCA-WR’s California State Affairs Committee.

Historically, Advocacy Day has attracted more than 100 activists from across California and has served as an important opportunity to educate, motivate and activate advocates on the legislative process as well as issues that will impact Armenian Americans living in the Golden State.

Activists will have a firsthand opportunity to witness the floor vote commemorating the Armenian Genocide in the Senate and Assembly chambers, participate in a reception in the State Capitol where they will meet and greet with advocates from across the State as well as various public officials, and also view a powerful exhibit demonstrating Turkey’s illegal confiscation of Christian properties which have been a matter of growing concern both in the European Court of Human Rights and the U.S. Congress.

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