Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" to be turned into a film

Bob Dylan's

PanARMENIAN.Net - From the classic western "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid" to the painful ego-trip that was "Masked and Anonymous," Bob Dylan has a pretty extensive, if varied, movie resume for a rock star.

But in a career that netted him a Best Song Oscar for his work on "Wonder Boys," Dylan has yet to see one of his albums adapted for the silver screen - until now.

Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" will be turned into a feature length film from Brazilian-based RT Features, The Wrap reported.

"Blood on the Tracks" is widely considered to be one of the greatest rock albums of all time, and is chock-full of iconic songs as "Shelter From the Storm" and "Simple Twist of Fate," but there's not a storyline of which to speak.

It has been widely speculated that the songs of love and loss that make up the 1975 album were inspired by Dylan's separation from his then-wife Sara Dylan, although the singer-songwriter has said that "Blood on the Tracks" is not autobiographical.

RT Features’ Rodrigo Teixeira and Fernando Loureiro will produce the English-language film. The company said it will look for a director with the "unique vision" to translate the album to screen.

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