PanARMENIAN.Net - Due to provocative calls and instigation statements at about 7 p.m. local time, the unsanctioned meeting, organized by leaders of Justice opposition bloc and National Unification party, developed into an unsanctioned procession, which blocked the traffic in Baghramian Avenue, as well as the work of some governmental offices and diplomatic missions, disturbed the public order and the calm of the residents by loud music and statements via loud-speakers, says a statement, released by the Armenian Police. The statement notes that in spite of police repeated warnings that the actions of the demonstrators are illegal and, if continued, will be reacted upon in an adequate manner, the disturbers of the order continued illegal actions for long time. Moreover, the document says, in response to the warnings a chain of demonstrators flocked towards the policemen. Bottles with combustible mixture, stones, other objects were thrown on the policemen. The demonstrators cried out phrases, insulting the policemen and called to forcible overthrow. Statements were heard that among the action participants are people with combat experience and wielding with fire-arms. The actions of the demonstrators became more and more aggressive and uncontrolled, posing real threat to police officers and the life and health of the citizens. Proceeding from the danger of the situation created and the nature of the offences, insubordination of the demonstrators to the legal demands of the law-enforcement officers, to prevent infringements of the law, as well as to neutralize the threat to the citizens, police representatives had to use physical force and special means against the demonstrators in compliance with the law on police, the statement says. During the rally its participants did not obey police legal demands and resisted. The demonstrators had batons, sharp, thrusting and cutting objects, rods. Resulting from the clash policemen got body injuries of various degrees of heaviness, there are also those hospitalized. The disturbers of the public order themselves, as well as some of the organizers are taken to police departments, including deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia Shavarsh Kocharian, who participated in "the peace meeting", having fire-arms with him. Part of the organizers and participants of the disorders are in hiding. Measures are undertaken to find them and call to account. Police is holding investigation and quests. Within the framework of the criminal case searches are held. Investigation is held to identify the detained and make them answerable. Immediate medical assistance was provided to the wounded and injured. The Prosecutor General is informed about the events. Along with the Office of the Public Prosecutor the necessary operational and investigation measures are held. The Armenian Police assures, the operative situation in the capital is fully under control, everything is being done to cope with the consequences of the disorders, finding the organizers and instigators, to call them to account, as well as to prevent further illegal and antisocial actions, the Police statement notes.
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