PanARMENIAN.Net - The Foreign Policy Association of Russia together with the Association of Russian Diplomats plans holding "Karabakh: search for compromises" round table in Moscow in mid-April. As director of the Nagorno Karabakh Center for Civil Initiatives Albert Voskanian told "De Facto" agency, "the shortcoming of the political scientist conferences held on the topic before was that the participants yielded to the temptation to make evaluations and adduce arguments favorable for either of the sides or delved into useless historical excursus," which hampered the search for compromises between the parties. Meanwhile, according to the organizers, the peaceful solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is not possible if it does not rest on balanced mutual concessions. To settle the issue one should not argue but suggest and constructively consider proposals. The meeting organizers intend to focus the attention and efforts of the participants just on the search for procedural and technical approaches, as well as solution of the essential settlement problems. Proceeding from it, in Albert Voskanian's words, the organizers preferred to limit the discussion participants to public representatives and political scientists, which are less constrained by the parties' official stands.
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